
1 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ;; get rid of custom from my init file
2 472975b7 2022-04-06 op (setq custom-file "~/.emacs.d/emacs-custom.el")
3 472975b7 2022-04-06 op (load custom-file)
4 2ed883bd 2022-05-23 op
5 2ed883bd 2022-05-23 op (setq-default abbrev-mode t)
6 2ed883bd 2022-05-23 op (setq abbrev-file-name
7 2ed883bd 2022-05-23 op (expand-file-name "~/dotsnew/emacs/abbrev_defs"))
8 472975b7 2022-04-06 op
9 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defconst op/backup-dir
10 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (expand-file-name "backups" user-emacs-directory))
11 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (unless (file-exists-p op/backup-dir)
12 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (make-directory op/backup-dir))
13 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq backup-directory-alist `(("." . ,op/backup-dir)))
14 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
15 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq use-dialog-box nil
16 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op x-stretch-cursor t
17 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op require-final-newline t
18 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op visible-bell nil
19 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op load-prefer-newer t
20 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op tab-bar-show 1
21 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op enable-recursive-minibuffers t
22 4b9538ff 2022-04-06 op imenu-auto-rescan 1
23 26a80648 2022-04-06 op use-short-answers t
24 26a80648 2022-04-06 op next-error-message-highlight t
25 1e970624 2022-04-06 op read-minibuffer-restore-windows nil
26 d55310b3 2022-04-06 op isearch-allow-motion t
27 c4b35be5 2022-05-09 op calc-make-windows-dedicated t
28 c4b35be5 2022-05-09 op user-mail-address "")
29 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
30 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq completion-ignore-case t
31 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op read-file-name-completion-ignore-case t
32 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op read-buffer-completion-ignore-case t)
33 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
34 946915d0 2022-06-25 op ;; "diff refinement", i.e. highlighting the changes in a more granular
35 946915d0 2022-06-25 op ;; way, is quite awful to have it enabled by default. sometimes is
36 946915d0 2022-06-25 op ;; useful, but for me it's more of a visual noise most of the times.
37 946915d0 2022-06-25 op (setq diff-refine nil)
38 946915d0 2022-06-25 op
39 ab6c641f 2022-06-25 op ;; disable also the syntax highlighting in the diff buffers
40 ab6c641f 2022-06-25 op (setq diff-font-lock-syntax nil)
41 ab6c641f 2022-06-25 op
42 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "C-x C-b") #'ibuffer)
43 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "M-g i") #'imenu)
44 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
45 472975b7 2022-04-06 op (defun op/imenu ()
46 472975b7 2022-04-06 op "Just like `imenu', but always flattened!"
47 472975b7 2022-04-06 op (interactive ))
48 472975b7 2022-04-06 op
49 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; mg-like
50 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key minibuffer-mode-map (kbd "C-w") #'backward-kill-word)
51 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
52 71c456de 2022-03-30 op (defun op/reverse-other-window ()
53 71c456de 2022-03-30 op "Like `other-window', but reverse."
54 71c456de 2022-03-30 op (interactive "")
55 71c456de 2022-03-30 op (other-window -1))
56 71c456de 2022-03-30 op (define-key global-map (kbd "C-x O") #'op/reverse-other-window)
57 e7cd710f 2022-05-30 op
58 e7cd710f 2022-05-30 op (define-key global-map (kbd "C-x v f") #'vc-pull)
59 71c456de 2022-03-30 op
60 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward
61 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op uniquify-strip-common-suffix t)
62 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
63 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq-default scroll-up-aggressively 0.0
64 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op scroll-down-aggressively 0.0
65 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op scroll-preserve-screen-position t
66 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op next-screen-context-lines 1)
67 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
68 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "M-z") #'zap-up-to-char)
69 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
70 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (require 'whitespace)
71 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq whitespace-style '(face trailing)
72 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op backward-delete-char-untabify-method 'hungry
73 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op tab-always-indent 'complete
74 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op tab-width 8
75 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op sentence-end-double-space t)
76 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq-default indent-tabs-mode t)
77 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
78 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defun op/enable-tabs ()
79 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Enable `indent-tabs-mode' in the current buffer."
80 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (interactive)
81 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq-local indent-tabs-mode t))
82 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
83 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defun op/disable-tabs ()
84 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Disable `indent-tabs-mode' in the current buffer."
85 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (interactive)
86 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq-local indent-tabs-mode nil))
87 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
88 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'conf-mode-hook #'op/enable-tabs)
89 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'op/enable-tabs)
90 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'op/enable-tabs)
91 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'whitespace-mode)
92 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'whitespace-mode)
93 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
94 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op (dolist (hook '(emacs-lisp-mode-hook
95 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op clojure-mode-hook
96 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op clojurescript-mode-hook
97 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op clojurec-mode-hook
98 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op scss-mode-hook))
99 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op (add-hook hook #'op/disable-tabs))
100 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op
101 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'log-edit
102 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'log-edit-mode #'auto-fill-mode))
103 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
104 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; free the c-z binding
105 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "C-z") nil)
106 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "C-z V") #'variable-pitch-mode)
107 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "C-z n") #'display-line-numbers-mode)
108 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
109 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "M-SPC") #'cycle-spacing)
110 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "M-u") #'upcase-dwim)
111 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "M-l") #'downcase-dwim)
112 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "M-c") #'capitalize-dwim)
113 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
114 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (let ((font "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1"))
115 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (set-frame-font font nil t)
116 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist `(font . ,font)))
117 472975b7 2022-04-06 op
118 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ;; fix the emojis too
119 472975b7 2022-04-06 op (set-fontset-font t 'emoji '("Noto Emoji" . "iso10646-1")
120 472975b7 2022-04-06 op nil 'prepend)
121 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
122 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; some cool stuff
123 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (save-place-mode +1)
124 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (savehist-mode +1)
125 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq history-delete-duplicates t
126 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op history-length 1000
127 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op savehist-save-minibuffer-history t)
128 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (electric-pair-mode +1)
129 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
130 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "M-/") #'hippie-expand)
131 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq hippie-expand-try-functions-list
132 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op '(try-expand-dabbrev
133 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers
134 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op try-expand-dabbrev-from-kill
135 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op try-complete-file-name-partially
136 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op try-complete-file-name
137 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op try-expand-all-abbrevs
138 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op try-expand-list
139 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op try-expand-line
140 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially
141 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op try-complete-lisp-symbol))
142 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
143 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq isearch-lazy-count t
144 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op search-whitespace-regexp ".*?"
145 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op isearch-allow-scroll 'unlimited)
146 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
147 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defun op/buffer-to-side-window (place)
148 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Place the current buffer in the side window at PLACE."
149 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (interactive (list (intern
150 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (completing-read "Which side: "
151 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op '(top left right bottom)))))
152 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
153 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (display-buffer-in-side-window
154 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op buf `((window-height . 0.15)
155 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (side . ,place)
156 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (slot . -1)
157 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (window-parameters . ((no-delete-other-windows . t)))))
158 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (delete-window)))
159 93201a02 2022-04-01 op
160 93201a02 2022-04-01 op (defun op/visit-new-migration-file (name)
161 93201a02 2022-04-01 op "Visit a new SQL migration file named after NAME."
162 93201a02 2022-04-01 op (interactive "Mname: ")
163 93201a02 2022-04-01 op (let* ((name (replace-regexp-in-string " " "-" (string-trim name)))
164 93201a02 2022-04-01 op (f (format "%s-%s.sql"
165 93201a02 2022-04-01 op (format-time-string "%Y%m%d%H%M")
166 93201a02 2022-04-01 op name)))
167 93201a02 2022-04-01 op (find-file f)))
168 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
169 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defun op/fill-or-unfill (fn &optional justify region)
170 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Meant to be an adviced :around `fill-paragraph'.
171 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op FN is the original `fill-column'. If `last-command' is
172 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op `fill-paragraph', unfill it, fill it otherwise. Inspired from a
173 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op post on endless parentheses. Optional argument JUSTIFY and
174 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op REGION are passed to `fill-paragraph'."
175 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (let ((fill-column
176 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (if (eq last-command 'fill-paragraph)
177 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (progn (setq this-command nil)
178 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (point-max))
179 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op fill-column)))
180 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (funcall fn justify region)))
181 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (advice-add 'fill-paragraph :around #'op/fill-or-unfill)
182 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
183 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defmacro op/deftranspose (name scope key doc)
184 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Macro to produce transposition functions.
185 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op NAME is the function's symbol. SCOPE is the text object to
186 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op operate on. Optional DOC is the function's docstring.
187 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
188 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op Transposition over an active region will swap the object at
189 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op mark (region beginning) with the one at point (region end).
190 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
191 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op It can optionally define a key for the defined function in the
192 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op `global-map' if KEY is passed.
193 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
194 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op Originally from protesilaos' dotemacs."
195 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (declare (indent defun))
196 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op `(progn
197 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defun ,name (arg)
198 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ,doc
199 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (interactive "p")
200 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (let ((x (intern (format "transpose-%s" ,scope))))
201 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (if (use-region-p)
202 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (funcall x 0)
203 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (funcall x arg))))
204 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ,(when key
205 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op `(define-key global-map (kbd ,key) #',name))))
206 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
207 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (op/deftranspose op/transpose-lines "lines" "C-x C-t"
208 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Transpose lines or swap over active region.")
209 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
210 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (op/deftranspose op/transpose-paragraphs "paragraphs" "C-S-t"
211 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Transpose paragraph or swap over active region.")
212 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
213 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (op/deftranspose op/transpose-sentences "sentences" "C-x M-t"
214 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Transpose sentences or swap over active region.")
215 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
216 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (op/deftranspose op/transpose-sexps "sexps" "C-M-t"
217 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Transpose sexps or swap over active region.")
218 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
219 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (op/deftranspose op/transpose-words "words" "M-t"
220 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Transpose words or swap over active region.")
221 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
222 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defun op/narrow-or-widen-dwim (p)
223 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Widen if the buffer is narrowed, narrow-dwim otherwise.
224 707f1781 2022-05-23 op Dwim means: region, org-src-block, org-subtree or defun,
225 707f1781 2022-05-23 op whichever applies first. Narrowing to org-src-blocks actually
226 707f1781 2022-05-23 op calls `org-edit-src-code'.
227 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
228 707f1781 2022-05-23 op With prefix P, don't widen, just narrow even if buffer is already
229 707f1781 2022-05-23 op narrowed. With P being -, narrow to page instead of to defun.
230 707f1781 2022-05-23 op
231 707f1781 2022-05-23 op Taken from endless parentheses."
232 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (interactive "P")
233 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (declare (interactive-only))
234 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (cond ((and (buffer-narrowed-p) (not p)) (widen))
235 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ((region-active-p)
236 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (narrow-to-region (region-beginning)
237 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (region-end)))
238 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ((derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
239 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; `org-edit-src-code' isn't a real narrowing
240 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (cond ((ignore-errors (org-edit-src-code) t))
241 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ((ignore-errors (org-narrow-to-block) t))
242 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (t (org-narrow-to-subtree))))
243 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ((eql p '-) (narrow-to-page))
244 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (t (narrow-to-defun))))
245 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
246 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c w") #'op/narrow-or-widen-dwim)
247 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
248 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'dired
249 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook #'dired-hide-details-mode)
250 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook #'dired-omit-mode)
251 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
252 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-c w") #'wdired-change-to-wdired-mode)
253 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
254 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (require 'dired-x)
255 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq dired-listing-switches "-lahF"
256 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op dired-dwim-target t
257 3bc75ece 2022-04-06 op dired-deletion-confirmer #'y-or-n-p
258 c4b35be5 2022-05-09 op dired-do-revert-buffer t))
259 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
260 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; just like telescope!
261 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'diff-mode
262 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key diff-mode-map (kbd "M-SPC") #'scroll-down-command))
263 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
264 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'elisp-mode
265 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'checkdoc-minor-mode)
266 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'prettify-symbols-mode)
267 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (let ((map emacs-lisp-mode-map))
268 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") #'eval-buffer)
269 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key map (kbd "C-c k") #'op/ert-all)
270 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-z") #'op/ielm-repl)))
271 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
272 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'help
273 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'help-mode-hook #'visual-line-mode))
274 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
275 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; add melpa
276 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
277 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
278 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; packages that i want to be installed
279 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (dolist (pkg '(vc-got pdf-tools eglot nameless sly cider go-mode web-mode
280 71c456de 2022-03-30 op lua-mode markdown-mode yaml-mode gemini-mode elfeed
281 74647cc8 2022-04-06 op form-feed shackle embark consult mct puni))
282 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (unless (package-installed-p pkg)
283 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (message "Installing %s" pkg)
284 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (package-install pkg)))
285 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
286 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (global-form-feed-mode +1)
287 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
288 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op (add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'puni-mode)
289 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'puni-mode)
290 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op (define-key puni-mode-map (kbd "C-)") #'puni-slurp-forward)
291 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op (define-key puni-mode-map (kbd "C-(") #'puni-barf-forward)
292 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op
293 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq completion-styles '(basic substring initials flex partial-completion))
294 472975b7 2022-04-06 op
295 472975b7 2022-04-06 op (require 'consult) ;; some stuff lacks an autoload and i don't want to debug it
296 472975b7 2022-04-06 op
297 472975b7 2022-04-06 op (cl-loop for (key . func) in '(("C-x :" . consult-complex-command)
298 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("C-x b" . consult-buffer)
299 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("C-x 4 b" . consult-buffer-other-window)
300 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("C-x 5 b" . consult-buffer-other-frame)
301 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("C-x r b" . consult-bookmark)
302 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("C-x p b" . consult-project-buffer)
303 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("M-y" . consult-yank-pop)
304 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("M-g g" . consult-goto-line)
305 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("M-g M-g" . consult-goto-line)
306 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("M-g m" . consult-mark)
307 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("M-g i" . consult-imenu)
308 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("M-s l" . consult-line)
309 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("M-s L" . consult-line-multi)
310 472975b7 2022-04-06 op ("M-s m" . consult-multi-occur))
311 472975b7 2022-04-06 op do (define-key global-map (kbd key) func))
312 472975b7 2022-04-06 op (add-hook 'completion-list-mode-hook #'consult-preview-at-point-mode)
313 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
314 74647cc8 2022-04-06 op (setq completions-detailed t)
315 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (mct-minibuffer-mode +1)
316 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (mct-region-mode +1)
317 93201a02 2022-04-01 op
318 93201a02 2022-04-01 op ;; override the binding for the annoying mct-backward-updir.
319 93201a02 2022-04-01 op (define-key mct-minibuffer-local-filename-completion-map
320 93201a02 2022-04-01 op (kbd "DEL") #'backward-delete-char)
321 93201a02 2022-04-01 op
322 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq mct-remove-shadowed-file-names t
323 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op mct-completions-format 'one-column
324 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op mct-completion-passlist '(Info-goto-node
325 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op Info-index
326 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op Info-menu
327 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op vc-retrieve-tag
328 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op imenu
329 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op file
330 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op buffer
331 8dd72746 2022-05-30 op consult-project-buffer
332 472975b7 2022-04-06 op kill-ring
333 472975b7 2022-04-06 op consult-buffer))
334 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
335 6da4f140 2022-05-24 op (with-eval-after-load 'cider
336 6da4f140 2022-05-24 op (define-key cider-repl-mode-map (kbd "C-c M-o") #'cider-repl-clear-buffer))
337 6da4f140 2022-05-24 op
338 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op (with-eval-after-load 'go-mode
339 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op (add-hook 'go-mode-hook #'subword-mode))
340 23efdfd9 2022-03-17 op
341 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'eglot
342 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key eglot-mode-map (kbd "<f1>") #'eglot-code-actions)
343 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key eglot-mode-map (kbd "<f2>") #'eglot-format)
344 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-to-list 'eglot-ignored-server-capabilites
345 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :documentHighlightProvider)
346 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
347 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op '(c-mode . ("clangd" "--header-insertion=never"))))
348 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
349 8c9af136 2022-03-30 op (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode #'nameless-mode)
350 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'nameless
351 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq nameless-private-prefix t
352 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op nameless-affect-indentation-and-filling nil)
353 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "_") #'nameless-insert-name-or-self-insert))
354 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
355 39b78340 2022-04-01 op (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.html\\'" . web-mode))
356 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'web-mode
357 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq web-mode-markup-indent-offset 2
358 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op web-mode-css-indent-offset 2
359 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op web-mode-style-padding 0
360 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op web-mode-enable-engine-detection t)
361 39b78340 2022-04-01 op (add-hook 'web-mode-hook #'op/disable-tabs)
362 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
363 39b78340 2022-04-01 op ;; fix .dir-locals.el
364 39b78340 2022-04-01 op (defun op/web-mode-fix-dir-locals ()
365 39b78340 2022-04-01 op (when (derived-mode-p major-mode 'web-mode)
366 39b78340 2022-04-01 op (web-mode-guess-engine-and-content-type)))
367 39b78340 2022-04-01 op (add-hook 'hack-local-variables-hook #'op/web-mode-fix-dir-locals))
368 39b78340 2022-04-01 op
369 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'css-mode
370 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook 'css-mode-hook #'op/disable-tabs))
371 c48a945e 2022-03-30 op
372 c48a945e 2022-03-30 op (with-eval-after-load 'flymake
373 c48a945e 2022-03-30 op (define-key prog-mode-map (kbd "C-c ! n") #'flymake-goto-next-error)
374 c48a945e 2022-03-30 op (define-key prog-mode-map (kbd "C-c ! p") #'flymake-goto-prev-error))
375 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
376 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'cc-mode
377 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq c-basic-offset 8
378 71c456de 2022-03-30 op c-default-style "K&R")
379 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (dolist (hook '(c-mode-hook c++-mode-hook))
380 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook hook #'abbrev-mode)
381 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (add-hook hook #'subword-mode))
382 71c456de 2022-03-30 op (defun op/c-indent ()
383 71c456de 2022-03-30 op (interactive)
384 71c456de 2022-03-30 op (c-set-offset 'arglist-intro '+)
385 71c456de 2022-03-30 op (c-set-offset 'arglist-cont-nonempty '*))
386 71c456de 2022-03-30 op (add-hook 'c-mode-hook #'op/c-indent)
387 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; TODO: improve it!
388 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defun op/c-add-include (path &optional localp)
389 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Include PATH at the start of the file.
390 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op If LOCALP is non-nil, the include will be \"local\"."
391 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (interactive "Mheader to include: \nP")
392 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (save-excursion
393 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (let ((re (if localp
394 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "^#[ \t]*include[ \t]*\""
395 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "^#[ \t]*include[ \t]*<"))
396 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (ignore-re "^#include \"compat.h\"")
397 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op start)
398 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (goto-char (point-min))
399 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (while (not (or (and (looking-at re)
400 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (not (looking-at ignore-re)))
401 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (eobp)))
402 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (forward-line))
403 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (when (eobp)
404 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (error "Don't know where to insert the header"))
405 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (open-line 1)
406 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (insert "#include " (if localp "\"\"" "<>"))
407 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (backward-char)
408 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (insert path)
409 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (move-beginning-of-line 1)
410 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq start (point))
411 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (forward-line)
412 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (while (and (looking-at re)
413 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (not (eobp)))
414 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (forward-line))
415 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (sort-lines nil start (point)))))
416 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key c-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-a") #'op/c-add-include))
417 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
418 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'perl-mode
419 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq perl-indent-level 8))
420 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
421 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'sh-script
422 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq sh-basic-offset 8
423 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op sh-indent-after-loop-construct 8
424 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op sh-indent-after-continuation nil))
425 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
426 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
427 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
428 d55310b3 2022-04-06 op (setq eshell-hist-ignoredups t)
429 d55310b3 2022-04-06 op
430 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defun op/eshell-bufname (dir)
431 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (concat "*eshell " (expand-file-name dir) "*"))
432 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
433 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defun op/eshell (arg)
434 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "Run or jump to eshell in current project.
435 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op If called with prefix argument ARG always create a new eshell
436 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op buffer."
437 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (interactive "P")
438 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (let* ((proj (project-current))
439 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (dir (if (and proj (not arg))
440 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (project-root proj)
441 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op default-directory))
442 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (default-directory dir)
443 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (eshell-buffer-name (let ((name (op/eshell-bufname dir)))
444 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (if arg
445 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (generate-new-buffer name)
446 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op name))))
447 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (eshell)))
448 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c e") #'op/eshell)
449 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
450 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'eshell
451 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq eshell-save-history-on-exit t
452 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op eshell-history-size 1024
453 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
454 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op eshell-compl-dir-ignore
455 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op "\\`\\(\\.\\.?\\|CVS\\|\\.svn\\|\\.git\\|\\.got\\)/\\'")
456 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
457 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defun op/eshell-after-cd (&rest _)
458 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (rename-buffer (op/eshell-bufname default-directory) t))
459 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
460 c4b35be5 2022-05-09 op (advice-add #'eshell/cd :after #'op/eshell-after-cd))
461 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
462 c4b35be5 2022-05-09 op (with-eval-after-load 'esh-mode
463 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (defun op/clear-eshell ()
464 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (interactive "")
465 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
466 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (erase-buffer)
467 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (eshell-send-input)))
468 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
469 c4b35be5 2022-05-09 op (define-key eshell-command-map (kbd "M-o") #'op/clear-eshell))
470 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
471 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
472 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; sndio.el
473 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (unless (package-installed-p 'sndio)
474 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (package-install-file "~/w/sndio.el/sndio.el"))
475 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
476 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
477 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; saturn
478 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (unless (package-installed-p 'saturn)
479 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (package-install-file "~/w/saturn/GUI/saturn.el"))
480 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
481 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
482 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; simple-pass
483 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (unless (package-installed-p 'simple-pass)
484 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (package-install-file "~/.emacs.d/simple-pass.el"))
485 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "C-z p") #'simple-pass-copy)
486 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
487 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
488 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
489 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ;; elfeed
490 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
491 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "C-x w") #'elfeed)
492 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (with-eval-after-load 'elfeed
493 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key elfeed-show-mode-map (kbd "q") #'delete-window)
494 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key elfeed-show-mode-map (kbd "S-SPC") #'scroll-down-command)
495 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key elfeed-show-mode-map (kbd "M-SPC") #'scroll-down-command)
496 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq elfeed-show-entry-switch #'pop-to-buffer
497 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op elfeed-feeds
498 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op '(""
499 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
500 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
501 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
502 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
503 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
504 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
505 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
506 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
507 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
508 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
509 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
510 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
511 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
512 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ";search=-tag:rpg -tag:rsp;lang=en;title=English Diary without RPG Pages"
513 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
514 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
515 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
516 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
517 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
518 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
519 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
520 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
521 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
522 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
523 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
524 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
525 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
526 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
527 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
528 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
529 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
530 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
531 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
532 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
533 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
534 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
535 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
536 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
537 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
538 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
539 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
540 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
541 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
542 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
543 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
544 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
545 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
546 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
547 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
548 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
549 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
550 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
551 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
552 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
553 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
554 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
555 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
556 f6de1c6a 2022-05-23 op ""
557 c4b35be5 2022-05-09 op ""
558 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
559 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
560 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
561 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op ""
562 c4b35be5 2022-05-09 op ""
563 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
564 c4b35be5 2022-05-09 op "")))
565 c4b35be5 2022-05-09 op
566 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (setq shackle-default-rule nil
567 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op shackle-rules
568 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (let ((repls "\\*\\(cider-repl\\|sly-mrepl\\|ielm\\)")
569 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (godot "\\*godot - .*\\*")
570 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (vcs "\\*\\(Flymake\\|Package-Lint\\|vc-\\(git\\|got\\) :\\).*")
571 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (elfeed "\\*elfeed-entry\\*")
572 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (vmd "\\*vmd console .*"))
573 dcac0b3b 2022-06-25 op `(("*Async Shell Command*" :ignore t)
574 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (,repls :regexp t
575 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :align below
576 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :size 0.3)
577 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (,godot :regexp t
578 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :align t
579 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :size 0.3)
580 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (occur-mode :select t
581 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :align right
582 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :size 0.3)
583 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (diff-mode :select t)
584 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (help-mode :select t
585 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :align left
586 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :size 0.3)
587 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (,vcs :regexp t
588 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :align above
589 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :size 0.15
590 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :select t)
591 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (,elfeed :regexp t
592 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :align t
593 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :select t
594 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :size 0.75)
595 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (,vmd :regexp t
596 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :align below
597 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :select t
598 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op :size 0.3))))
599 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (shackle-mode +1)
600 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op
601 dcac0b3b 2022-06-25 op ;; (setq display-buffer-alist nil)
602 dcac0b3b 2022-06-25 op
603 678b3cb3 2022-03-16 op (define-key global-map (kbd "M-g e") #'embark-act)
604 ee08e150 2022-06-09 op
605 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (with-eval-after-load 'embark
606 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (defun op/target-filename+line ()
607 a5206586 2022-06-25 op "Target a file with optional line number: file[:number]."
608 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (save-excursion
609 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (let* ((beg (progn (skip-chars-backward "^[:space:]\n")
610 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (point)))
611 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (end (progn (skip-chars-forward "^[:space:]\n")
612 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (point)))
613 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (str (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
614 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (save-match-data
615 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (when (and (progn (goto-char beg)
616 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (ffap-file-at-point))
617 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (string-match ".+\\(:[[:digit:]]+\\)?:?" str))
618 a5206586 2022-06-25 op `(file ,str ,beg . ,end))))))
619 ee08e150 2022-06-09 op
620 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (add-to-list 'embark-target-finders #'op/target-filename+line)
621 a5206586 2022-06-25 op
622 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (defun op/acme-find-file (filename)
623 a5206586 2022-06-25 op "Visit FILENAME like `find-file', but also jump to line if provided."
624 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (save-match-data
625 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (if (not (string-match "\\(.+\\):\\([[:digit:]]+\\)" filename))
626 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (find-file filename)
627 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (let ((path (match-string 1 filename))
628 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (line (string-to-number (match-string 2 filename))))
629 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (with-current-buffer (find-file path)
630 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (goto-line line))))))
631 a5206586 2022-06-25 op
632 a5206586 2022-06-25 op (define-key embark-file-map (kbd "RET") #'op/acme-find-file))