
1 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => /gallery/ Gallery
2 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => /telescope.1.txt Docs
3 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
4 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op # Telescope
5 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
6 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op > Telescope is a w3m-like browser for Gemini.
7 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
8 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ``` Ascii art of the word “Telescope” and “v0.5.2”
9 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op _______ __
10 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op |_ _|.-----.| |.-----.-----.----.-----.-----.-----.
11 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op | | | -__|| || -__|__ --| __| _ | _ | -__|
12 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op |___| |_____||__||_____|_____|____|_____| __|_____|
13 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op |__| v0.5.2
14 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ```
15 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
16 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op Telescope is written entirely for fun, as a hobbystic project in my free time. As such, it lacks a ton of features you’ll find in more mature Gemini browsers, but it also has some unique ones.
17 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
18 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op The UI is strongly inspired from Emacs and W3M, so you’ll find some familiar concepts, such as the minibuffer or the tabline, and the default keybindigs also reflect this, but care has been taken to add keys familiar for vi and CUA users too.
19 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
20 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => Asciinema record
21 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
22 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ## Install
23 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
24 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => Some distros provide a package — thanks to the maintainers!
25 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
26 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op Source code and precompiled binaries for linux are available:
27 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => telescope-0.5.2.tar.gz
28 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => telescope.linux.aarch64
29 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => telescope.linux.amd64
30 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
31 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => telescope-0.5.2-binaries.tar.gz
32 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
33 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op When in doubt, compile from source. It’s easy and takes less than a minute on a raspberry pi 3. The dependencies are:
34 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * libncurses
35 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * libevent
36 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * libtls (from either LibreSSL or libretls)
37 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * yacc (or GNU bison)
38 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
39 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op Once all the dependencies are installed, building is as easy as:
40 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
41 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ```Example of how to compile from source
42 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op $ curl -LO
43 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op $ tar xzvf telescope-0.5.2.tar.gz
44 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op $ cd telescope-0.5.2
45 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op $ ./configure
46 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op $ make
47 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op $ sudo make install # eventually
48 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ```
49 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
50 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op A SHA256 file containing the checksums is available. However, that only checks for accidental corruption: you can use signify (SHA256.sig and the public key or GPG. The hash of the signify public key is also included in the SHA256 file and signed with my GPG too. The signify public key for the next release ‘’ is also included.
51 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
52 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => SHA256
53 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => SHA256.gpg
54 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => SHA256.sig
55 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op =>
56 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op =>
57 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
58 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ```Example of how to verify the signature with signify
59 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op $ signify -C -p -x SHA256.sig
60 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op Signature Verified
61 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op telescope-0.5.2-binaries.tar.gz: OK
62 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op OK
63 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op telescope-0.5.2.tar.gz: OK
64 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op OK
65 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op telescope.linux.aarch64: OK
66 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op telescope.linux.amd64: OK
67 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ```
68 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
69 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op Finally, it’s possible to fetch the sources using git:
70 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
71 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => // git repository
72 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op => GitHub mirror
73 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
74 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
75 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ## Changelog for the last versions
76 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
77 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op 0.5.2 “Le nuvole” bugfix release — Released September 13, 2021
78 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
79 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op Bugfixes:
80 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * some very long pages can cause (rarely) telescope to render a blank page
81 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * allow creating files in ~/Downloads on OpenBSD
82 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * reset download byte counter
83 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
84 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ----
85 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
86 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op 0.5.1 “Le nuvole” bugfix release — Released August 28, 2021
87 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
88 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op Telescope used to trim the initial “/” in gopher requests: this is not correct and while some servers are forgiving, other (rightfully) aren't.
89 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
90 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ----
91 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
92 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op 0.5 “Le nuvole” — Released August 27, 2021
93 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
94 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ## New features
95 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
96 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * support for the finger protocol
97 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * support for the gopher protocol (only item types 0, 1 and 7 for the moment)
98 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * highlight diff/patches
99 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * typing the protocol of a URI is not needed anymore: added some heuristics to assume file:// URLs and fall back to gemini:// as default
100 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * open local files and directories
101 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * add an autosave timer to persist the session once in a while
102 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * scroll completions with M-v/C-v (mini-scroll-up/mini-scroll-down)
103 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * variable `tab-bar-show' controls the visibility of the tab bar
104 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
105 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ## Improvements
106 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
107 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * new heuristics to extract a title for pages without headings: use the domain name or the "tilde username"
108 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * about:new updated with some gopher links too
109 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * reload doesn't push the current url to the history anymore
110 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * push-button-new-tab opens a new tab *right after* the current one, not as the last
111 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * improved the crash detection
112 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * M-[ and M-] are bind to tab-move-to/tab-move
113 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
114 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op ## Bug fixes
115 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op
116 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * fixed some crashes caused by cursor movements on empty pages
117 cc9bf8f2 2021-11-05 op * correctly parse multiple attributes