
1 091f74d0 2003-11-25 devnull # Thanks to Caerwyn Jones for preparing the dictionary
2 091f74d0 2003-11-25 devnull # and modifying dict to handle it.
3 091f74d0 2003-11-25 devnull # This is the Project Gutenberg original Webster's dictionary
4 091f74d0 2003-11-25 devnull
5 4be4f202 2005-07-18 devnull hget|
6 77038610 2004-04-20 devnull bunzip2|
7 091f74d0 2003-11-25 devnull tar xf -
8 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull
9 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull # This is the Project Gutenberg original Roget's thesaurus
10 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull
11 4be4f202 2005-07-18 devnull hget|
12 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull bunzip2|
13 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull tar xf -