
1 55669b34 2023-05-05 op <header class='index-header'>
2 55669b34 2023-05-05 op <a href="" target="_blank">
3 55669b34 2023-05-05 op <img src='/got.png'
4 55669b34 2023-05-05 op srcset='/got.png, /got@2x.png 2x'
5 55669b34 2023-05-05 op alt='"GOT" where the "O" is a cute smiling pufferfish.' />
6 55669b34 2023-05-05 op </a>
7 55669b34 2023-05-05 op <h1>Game of Trees Mail Archive</h1>
8 55669b34 2023-05-05 op <p>Page PAGE</p>
9 55669b34 2023-05-05 op <p>SUBTITLE</p>
10 55669b34 2023-05-05 op </header>