
1 990faa37 2021-06-06 op
2 990faa37 2021-06-06 op # Indentation is optional, but improves legibility.
3 990faa37 2021-06-06 op # The following defines the user;
4 990faa37 2021-06-06 op # <hash> is the hash of the password computed
5 990faa37 2021-06-06 op # with `smtpctl encrypt`
6 990faa37 2021-06-06 op user op <hash>
7 990faa37 2021-06-06 op # and define an arbitrary number of aliases
8 990faa37 2021-06-06 op alias service1
9 990faa37 2021-06-06 op alias other-alias
10 990faa37 2021-06-06 op
11 990faa37 2021-06-06 op user otheruser <hash>
12 990faa37 2021-06-06 op
13 990faa37 2021-06-06 op # aliases can be to virtual users on other hosts
14 990faa37 2021-06-06 op alias abuse
15 990faa37 2021-06-06 op
16 990faa37 2021-06-06 op
17 990faa37 2021-06-06 op user someone <hash>
18 990faa37 2021-06-06 op # …