
1 (add-post! {:title "$HOME as a git repo"
2 :slug "home-as-git-repo"
3 :date "2020/04/02"
4 :tags #{:git}
5 :short "How do you track dotfiles?"})
7 (comment
8 (add-post! {:title "Blogging with clojure"
9 :slug "blogging-with-clojure"
10 :date "2020/03/27"
11 :tags #{:clojure}
12 :short "Build static blogs with clojure & boot"}))
14 (comment
15 (add-post! {:title "Build a personal FreeBSD repository"
16 :slug "freebsd-repository-with-synth"
17 :date "2020/03/24"
18 :tags #{:FreeBSD}
19 :short "Build with ease. Scripts included!"}))
21 (comment
22 (add-post! {:title "A tale of three editors"
23 :slug "tale-of-three-editors"
24 :date "2019/10/04"
25 :tags #{:emacs :vi :acme}
26 :short "The gigantic, the fake minimal and the glorious. Or escaping the emacs-verse if you prefer."}))
28 (add-post! {:title "Multiplexing data in sh(1)"
29 :slug "sh-multiplexing-data"
30 :date "2019/10/17"
31 :tags #{:sh}
32 :short "please put something clever here"})
34 (add-post! {:title "Poor man's unbound dashboard"
35 :slug "poor-mans-unbound-dashboard"
36 :date "2019/10/16"
37 :tags #{:OpenBSD :tmux}
38 :short "A little bit of bash, fifos, tmux & ttyplot"})
40 (add-post! {:title "Core naming in linux"
41 :slug "core-naming-on-linux"
42 :date "2019/10/15"
43 :tags #{:OpenBSD :linux}
44 :short "Porting BSD behaviours to linux"})
46 (add-post! {:title "CSS sprites with awk and ImageMagick"
47 :slug "css-sprites-awk-imagemagick"
48 :date "2019/08/08"
49 :tags #{:css :awk}
50 :short "I like to automatize things"})
52 (add-post! {:title "Using the C preprocessors for CSS generation"
53 :slug "cpp-css"
54 :date "2019/03/30"
55 :tags #{:css}
56 :short "old tools for new websites"})
58 (add-post! {:title "F* on OpenBSD"
59 :slug "fstar-openbsd"
60 :date "2019/03/25"
61 :tags #{:fstar :OpenBSD}
62 :short "It just works"})
64 (add-post! {:title "Abbreviations in vi(1)"
65 :slug "abbreviations-vi"
66 :date "2018/09/14"
67 :tags #{:vi}
68 :short "type even less"})
70 (add-post! {:title "Improving maildir opening time in mutt"
71 :slug "maildir-mutt-time"
72 :date "2018/09/14"
73 :tags #{:mutt}
74 :short "<code>header_cache</code> is just awesome"})
76 (add-post! {:title "Spell checking in vi(1)"
77 :slug "spell-checking-vi"
78 :date "2018/09/08"
79 :tags #{:vi}
80 :short "Aspell plays nice with vi."})