
1 # gemini.core
3 A Clojure library to make Gemini requests.
6 ## Usage
8 Import the library for e.g. with:
10 ```clojure
11 user=> (require '[gemini.core :as gemini])
12 ```
14 ### Documentation
16 `fetch` makes a Gemini request and returns a map with `:request`,
17 `:meta`, `:code` and `:body` as keys, or `:error` if an error occur.
19 The request needs to be closed afterwards using `close`.
21 ```clojure
22 user=> (gemini/fetch "gemini://")
23 {:request
24 #object[com.omarpolo.gemini.Request 0x3b270767 "com.omarpolo.gemini.Request@3b270767"],
25 :meta "gemini://",
26 :code 31,
27 :body
28 #object[ 0x49358b66 ""]}
29 ```
31 `body-as-string!` reads all the response into a string and returns it.
32 It also closes the request automatically.
34 ```clojure
35 user=> (-> (gemini/fetch "gemini://")
36 gemini/body-as-string!)
37 "# Project Gemini\n\n## Overview\n\nGemini is a new internet protocol which..."
38 ```
40 `close` closes a request. It needs to be called after every
41 (successful) request.
43 ```clojure
44 user=> (let [req (gemini/fetch "...")]
45 (when-not (:error req)
46 ;; do something with req
47 ,,,
48 (gemini/close req)))
49 ```
51 `with-request` is a macro like `with-open` to making connection
52 easily. It automatically closes the request and evaluates the body
53 only when the request is successful, otherwise throws an exception.
55 ```clojure
56 user=> (with-request [req (gemini/fetch "gemini://")]
57 ,,,)
58 ```
61 ## Streaming content
63 The `:body` keyword in the returned map is an instance of a Java
64 BufferedReader, so streaming content is easy.
66 However, `body-as-string!` needs to materialise the full reply, so in
67 case of a streaming request it will never return!
70 ## text/gemini
72 This library only implements the network part of Gemini, it doesn't
73 try to handle any kind of content. To handle text/gemini you can use
74 e.g. the [gemtext][gemtext] library:
76 ```clojure
77 user=> (require '[gemtext.core :as gemtext])
78 nil
79 user=> (gemini/with-request [req (gemini/fetch "gemini://")]
80 (gemtext/parse (:body req)))
81 [[:header-1 "Project Gemini"]
82 [:text ""]
83 [:header-2 "Overview"]
84 [:text ""]
85 [:text "Gemini is a new internet protocol which:"]
86 ,,,]
87 ```
90 [gemtext]: