
1 # contributed files
3 This directory is for additional contributed files which may be useful.
5 ## Dockerfile
7 => TREE/contrib/Dockerfile contrib/Dockerfile
9 A sample Dockerfile that builds an alpine linux-based image with a statically linked gmid installed as /bin/gmid. To build the image:
11 ```instructions to build the image
12 # docker build -f contrib/Dockerfile -t gmid .
13 ```
15 and then run it with something along the lines of:
17 ```instruction to run the image
18 # docker run --rm -it -p 1965:1965 \
19 -v gmid.conf:/etc/gmid.conf:ro \
20 -v path/to/keys:/tls:ro \
21 -v /var/gemini:/var/gemini:ro \
22 gmid -c /etc/gmid.conf
23 ```
25 ## gencert
27 => TREE/contrib/gencert contrib/gencert
29 contrib/gencert is a simple script to generate self-signed certificates.
31 ## OpenBSD rc file
33 => TREE/contrib/gmid contrib/gmid
35 contrib/gmid is a sample service file for OpenBSD rc(8). To install it:
37 ```command to install the rc file
38 # cp contrib/gmid /etc/rc.d
39 ```
41 then the usual ‘rcctl [start|stop|enable|restart] gmid’ are available.
43 ## systemd unit file
45 => TREE/contrib/gmid.service contrib/gmid.service
46 => TREE/contrib/gmid.sysusers contrib/gmid.sysusers
48 A simple service file for systemd. To install it
50 ```instructions to install the system file
51 # cp contrib/gmid.service /etc/systemd/system/gmid.service
52 # systemctl daemon-reload
53 ```
55 then the usual ‘systemctl [status|start|enable|stop] gmid’ commands can be used to manage the server.
57 Some things to keep in mind:
58 * the ExecStart path may depend on the installation
59 * a ‘gmid’ user needs to be created with systemd-sysusers or useradd:
61 ```how to create a dedicated user
62 # systemd-sysusers contrib/gmid.sysusers
63 or
64 # useradd --system --no-create-home -s /bin/nologin -c "gmid Gemini server" gmid
65 ```
67 * logs can be inspected with journalctl(1)
69 ```reads gmid logs with journalctl
70 # journalctl -t gmid
71 ```
73 ## mime.types
75 => TREE/contrib/renew-certs contrib/mime.types
77 A copy of OpenBSD' /usr/share/misc/mime.types to be used as
79 ```
80 # /etc/gmid.conf
82 types {
83 include "/path/to/mime.types"
84 }
85 ```
87 ## renew certificates automatically
89 => TREE/contrib/renew-certs contrib/renew-certs
91 contrib/renew-certs is a script meant to be run in a crontab that watch for certificate expiration. It can optionally renew the certs and restart gmid too.
93 Read the documentation with: perldoc renew-certs
95 ## vim syntax files
97 => TREE/contrib/vim contrib/vim
99 contrib/vim contains a syntax highlighting for vim. To install it, just copy the files to ~/.vim or to /usr/share/vim/vimfiles, e.g.:
101 ```install the vim syntax highlight in your home
102 $ mkdir -p ~/.vim
103 $ cp -R contrib/vim/* ~/.vim/
104 ```
106 To enable Syntastic checker, add to your vimrc:
108 ```
109 let g:syntastic_gmid_checkers = ['gmid']
110 ```
112 => vim-screenshot.png Screenshot of vim editing gmid.conf