
1 # panel
3 This is the scripts that creates the bar in my herbstluftwm setup.
4 It's written in rc (the plan9 shell) because why not.
6 #!/usr/bin/env rc
8 monitor=$1
10 . ./lib
12 hc pad $monitor $panel_height
14 fn process {
15 awk -f process.awk \
16 -v selbg=$"selbg \
17 -v selfg=$"selfg \
18 -v font=$"font \
19 -v monitor=$"monitor
20 }
22 fn render {
23 dzen2 -w $panel_width -x $x -y $y -h $panel_height \
24 -fn $"font -ta l -bg $"bgcolor -fg '#222222'
25 }
27 ./event-gen $"monitor | process | render >[2] /dev/null