
1 Summary: Simple regular expression library from Plan 9
2 Name: libregexp9
3 Version: 2.0
4 Release: 1
5 Group: Development/C
6 Copyright: Public Domain
7 Packager: Russ Cox <>
8 Source:
9 URL:
10 Requires: libfmt libutf
12 %description
13 Libregexp9 is a port of Plan 9's regexp library.
14 It is small and simple and provides the traditional
15 extended regular expressions (as opposed to the
16 current extended regular expressions, which add {}
17 and various \x character classes, among other
18 complications).
21 %prep
22 %setup
24 %build
25 make
27 %install
28 make install
30 %files
31 /usr/local/include/regexp9.h
32 /usr/local/lib/libregexp9.a
33 /usr/local/man/man3/regexp9.3
34 /usr/local/man/man7/regexp9.7