
1 #!/usr/local/plan9/bin/rc
3 . 9.rc
4 name = secstore
5 get = secstoreget
6 put = secstoreput
7 edit = no
8 load = no
9 flush = no
11 fn secstoreget{
12 secstore -i -g $1 <_password
13 }
15 fn secstoreput{
16 secstore -i -p $1 <_password
17 }
19 fn aesget{
20 if(! ~ $1 /*){
21 echo >[1=2] ipso: aescbc requires fully qualified pathname
22 exit usage
23 }
24 aescbc -i -d < $1 > `{basename $1} <[3] _password
25 }
27 fn aesput{
28 aescbc -i -e > $1 < `{basename $1} <[3] _password
29 }
31 fn editedfiles{
32 if(~ $get aesget){
33 for(i in $files)
34 if(ls -tr | sed '1,/^_timestamp$/d' | grep -s '^'^`{basename $i}^'$')
35 echo $i
36 }
37 if not
38 ls -tr | sed '1,/^_timestamp$/d'
39 }
41 while(~ $1 -*){
42 switch($1){
43 case -a
44 name = aescbc
45 get = aesget
46 put = aesput
47 case -f
48 flush = yes
49 case -e
50 edit = yes
51 case -l
52 load = yes
53 case *
54 echo >[2=1] 'usage: ipso [-a -f -e -l] [-s] [file ...]'
55 exit usage
56 }
57 shift
58 }
60 if(~ $flush no && ~ $edit no && ~ $load no){
61 load = yes
62 edit = yes
63 flush = yes
64 }
66 if(~ $flush yes && ~ $edit no && ~ $load no){
67 echo flushing old keys
68 echo delkey > /mnt/factotum/ctl
69 exit 0
70 }
72 if(~ $get aesget && ~ $#* 0){
73 echo >[2=1] ipso: must specify a fully qualified file name for aescbc '(-a)'
74 exit usage
75 }
77 user=`{whoami}
78 cd /tmp || exit $status
79 tmp=`{df | awk '$1=="tmpfs" {print $NF}'}
80 if(! ~ $#tmp 0)
81 cd $tmp(1) || exit $status
82 mkdir -p ipso.$user
83 chmod 700 ipso.$user || exit $status
84 cd ipso.$user
85 dir=`{pwd}
86 dir=$"dir
88 fn sigexit {
89 rm -rf $dir
90 }
92 if ( ~ $edit yes ) echo '
93 Warning: The editor will display the secret contents of
94 your '$name' files in the clear, and they will
95 be stored temporarily in '^$dir^'
96 in the clear, along with your password.
97 '
99 # get password and remember it
100 readcons -s $name^' password' >_password
102 # get list of files
103 if(~ $#* 0){
104 if(! secstore -G . -i < _password > _listing){
105 echo 'secstore read failed - bad password?'
106 sleep 2
107 exit password
109 files=`{sed 's/[ ]+.*//' _listing}
111 if not
112 files = $*
114 # copy the files to local ramfs
115 for(i in $files){
116 if(! $get $i){
117 echo $name ' read failed - bad password?'
118 sleep 2
119 exit password
122 sleep 2; date > _timestamp # so we can find which files have been edited.
124 # edit the files
125 if(~ $edit yes){
126 B `{for(i in $files) basename $i}
127 readcons 'type enter when finished editing' >/dev/null
129 if(~ $flush yes ){
130 echo flushing old keys
131 echo delkey | 9p write factotum/ctl
133 if(~ $load yes){
134 echo loading factotum keys
135 if (~ factotum $files) cat factotum | 9p write -l factotum/ctl
138 # copy the files back
139 for(i in `{editedfiles}){
140 prompt='copy '''^`{basename $i}^''' back? [y/n/x]'
141 switch(`{readcons $prompt}){
142 case [yY]*
143 if(! $put $i){
144 echo $name ' read failed - bad password?'
145 sleep 2
146 exit password
148 echo ''''$i'''' copied to $name
149 if(~ $i factotum)
150 read -m < $i > /mnt/factotum/ctl
151 case [xXqQ]*
152 exit
153 case [nN]* *
154 echo ''''$i'''' skipped
158 exit ''