
1 ;;; vmd.el --- vmd interaction mode -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2021 Omar Polo
5 ;; Author: Omar Polo <>
6 ;; Keywords: tools
7 ;; Version: 0.1.0
8 ;; Package-Requires: ((transient "0.3.4"))
10 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
15 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
23 ;;; Commentary:
25 ;; TODO
27 ;;; Code:
29 (require 'term)
30 (require 'transient)
32 (defgroup vmd nil
33 "Vmd."
34 :prefix "vmd-"
35 :group 'vmd)
37 (defcustom vmd-vmctl-cmd "vmctl"
38 "Path to the vmctl command to use."
39 :type 'string)
41 (defcustom vmd-console-function #'vmd-run-in-term
42 "Function to use for the `vmd-console' command.
43 It takes two arguments, the string name and the cmd arguments
44 list, and should pop a buffer with a terminal running the
45 commands in cmd."
46 :type 'function)
48 (defun vmd-run-in-term (name cmd)
49 "Run CMD inside a term buffer called NAME."
50 (pop-to-buffer (apply #'term-ansi-make-term
51 (concat "*" name "*")
52 (car cmd) nil (cdr cmd))))
54 (defun vmd--update-table ()
55 "Update the `tabulated-list-mode' with the list of virtual machines."
56 (let ((columns [("ID" 3 t)
57 ("PID" 5 nil)
58 ("VCPUS" 5 nil)
59 ("MAXMEM" 6 nil)
60 ("CURMEM" 6 nil)
61 ("TTY" 10 t)
62 ("OWNER" 8 t)
63 ("STATE" 8 t)
64 ("NAME" 30 t)])
65 (rows (mapcar (lambda (x) `(,(car x) ,(apply #'vector x)))
66 (mapcar (lambda (x)
67 (split-string x nil t))
68 (cdr
69 (split-string (shell-command-to-string
70 (concat vmd-vmctl-cmd " status"))
71 "\n" t))))))
72 (setq tabulated-list-format columns
73 tabulated-list-entries rows)
74 (tabulated-list-init-header)
75 (tabulated-list-print)))
77 (defun vmd--vm-at-point ()
78 "Return the vm name at point."
79 (unless (derived-mode-p 'vmd-mode)
80 (error "Not in vmd-mode"))
81 (let* ((row (tabulated-list-get-entry))
82 (len (length row)))
83 (when (or (null row)
84 (= len 0))
85 (error "No vm at point"))
86 (aref row (1- len))))
88 (defun vmd--vmctl (&rest args)
89 "Run a vmctl command with ARGS."
90 (shell-command (mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument (cons vmd-vmctl-cmd args) " ")))
92 (defun vmd-console (vm)
93 "Open a console for the virtual machine VM at point."
94 (interactive (list (vmd--vm-at-point)) vmd-mode)
95 (funcall vmd-console-function
96 (concat "vmd console " vm)
97 (mapcar #'shell-quote-argument
98 (list vmd-vmctl-cmd "console" vm))))
100 (defun vmd-pause (vm)
101 "Pause the virtual machine VM at point."
102 (interactive (list (vmd--vm-at-point)) vmd-mode)
103 (vmd--vmctl "pause" vm)
104 (vmd--update-table))
106 (defun vmd-start (vm)
107 "Start the virtual machine VM at point."
108 (interactive (list (vmd--vm-at-point)) vmd-mode)
109 (vmd--vmctl "start" vm)
110 (vmd--update-table))
112 (defun vmd-stop (vm)
113 "Stop the virtual machine VM at point."
114 (interactive (list (vmd--vm-at-point)) vmd-mode)
115 (vmd--vmctl "stop" vm)
116 (vmd--update-table))
118 (defun vmd-unpause (vm)
119 "Unpause the virtual machine VM at point."
120 (interactive (list (vmd--vm-at-point)) vmd-mode)
121 (vmd--vmctl "unpause" vm)
122 (vmd--update-table))
124 (transient-define-prefix vmd--transient ()
125 "Vmd."
126 ["Action"
127 [("c" "console" vmd-console)
128 ("P" "pause" vmd-pause)
129 ("s" "start" vmd-start)
130 ("S" "stop" vmd-stop)
131 ("u" "unpause" vmd-unpause)]])
133 (defvar vmd-mode-map
134 (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
135 (define-key m (kbd "c") #'vmd-console)
136 (define-key m (kbd "P") #'vmd-pause) ; don't conflict with previous-line
137 (define-key m (kbd "s") #'vmd-start)
138 (define-key m (kbd "S") #'vmd-stop)
139 (define-key m (kbd "u") #'vmd-unpause)
141 ;; one transient to rule them all
142 (define-key m (kbd "x") #'vmd--transient)
143 m))
145 (define-derived-mode vmd-mode tabulated-list-mode "vmd"
146 "Vmd mode."
147 (vmd--update-table)
148 (add-hook 'tabulated-list-revert-hook #'vmd--update-table nil t))
150 (defun vmd ()
151 "Start vmd."
152 (interactive)
153 (switch-to-buffer "*vmd*")
154 (vmd-mode))
156 (provide 'vmd)
157 ;;; vmd.el ends here