
1 I've just finished to configure gitolite and cgit to manage some git repos of mine (and friends), so I'm posting here the setup before forgetting the details.
3 The final result is a git server with both a web view, HTTP clone and ssh for you and your users.
5 It requires more work than, say, gitea or gitlab, and has a few moving parts. Nevertheless, it's a modular solution (you can replace cgit with gitweb for instance) and it does not have obnoxious web guis to manage things. The whole gitolite config is itself a git repository, so you can use the tools you're familiar with (a bit of ssh, git and your preferred $EDITOR) to build and maintain your own git server.
7 ## gitolite
9 Install gitolite, it's easy, just follow the installation guide. I've done that on a new user called "git". This will create two repos in ~git/repositories: gitolite-admin and testing. With the default configuration testing will be read-write for all users (in the gitolite sense).
11 => Gitolite install guide
13 You should import your own ssh public key. Try to clone the “gitolite-admin” repo with:
15 > git clone
17 to test the setup and, eventually, add more users and repos.
19 ## cgit
21 I'm using nginx plus fcgiwrap on a FreeBSD system, but other options are available. (For instance, if you're using OpenBSD than you have httpd and slowcgi already in base.)
23 For reference, my configuration file is /usr/local/etc/cgit-op.conf and contains:
25 ``` cgit configuration file
26 css=/mine.css
27 logo=/logo.png
29 head-include=/usr/local/lib/cgit/theme/head.html
31 enable-http-clone=1
32 enable-index-links=1
33 remove-suffix=1
34 enable-commit-graph=1
35 enable-log-filecount=1
36 enable-git-config=1
38 source-filter=/usr/local/lib/cgit/filters/
39 about-filter=/usr/local/lib/cgit/filters/
41 virtual-root=/
42 enable-index-links=1
43 enable-index-owner=0
44 snapshots=tar.gz tar.bz2
45 root-title=Stuff
46 root-desc=some git repos of mine
47 local-time=1
49 # path to the root about file
50 #root-readme=/usr/local/lib/cgit/theme/about.html
52 # search for these files in the root fo the default branch
55 readme=:README.mkd
56 readme=:readme.mkd
57 readme=:README.rst
58 readme=:readme.rst
59 readme=:README.html
60 readme=:readme.html
61 readme=:README.htm
62 readme=:readme.htm
63 readme=:README.txt
64 readme=:readme.txt
65 readme=:README
66 readme=:readme
69 readme=:INSTALL.mkd
70 readme=:install.mkd
71 readme=:INSTALL.rst
72 readme=:install.rst
73 readme=:INSTALL.html
74 readme=:install.html
75 readme=:INSTALL.htm
76 readme=:install.htm
77 readme=:INSTALL.txt
78 readme=:install.txt
79 readme=:INSTALL
80 readme=:install
82 scan-path=/home/git/repositories
83 ```
85 The important bits of all of these are only:
86 ``` enable git configuration
87 enable-git-config=1
88 ```
90 and
92 ``` set the parameter “scan-path” to repositories inside the git user home.
93 scan-path=/home/git/repositories
94 ```
96 The first let us configure per-repo cgit options via the standard git config file, while the second lets cgit discovers the repos by searching in that path.
98 If you're curious, I used ‘head-include’ to add some meta tags and modified the default CSS to render the pages *decently* on mobile screens. More work is needed.
100 ### Note about permissions
102 You are probably running cgit with the www user and gitolite with the git user, so you have a permission problem. While you can do fancy stuff with mount_nullfs, ‘mount --bind’ and whatnot or by changing the default path for the repositories, I didn't want to.
104 I'm still not sure if this is the best way to handle things, but I made fcgiwrap use the `git` user with
106 ```set fcgiwrap user to git
107 fcgiwrap_user="git"
108 ```
110 in `/etc/rc.conf` plus a manual `chown(8)` on the socket. Now cgit and gitolite are run by the same user. Problem solved.
112 ## hide some repositories!
114 This was the basic setup to have cgit display the repositories managed by gitolite, as well as having both public HTTP and authenticated ssh clone. Pretty neat.
116 But, you have no way (still) to hide some repositories. For instance, the ‘gitolite-admin’ repository is public readable (not writable). It may be fine for you, but I wanted a way to have *private* repositories, while still having the repos managed by gitolite.
118 If you set ‘enable-git-config’ in cgit configuration file, now you can control some cgit per-repo options via `~git/repositories/$REPO/config`. You can create a section that looks like this:
120 ```conf
121 [cgit]
122 ignore = 1
123 ```
125 to make cgit ignore that repo. Check the documentation of cgit for the list of parameters you can set.
127 But it's tedious and needs manual work per-repo. That's something that needs to be automatized.
129 Fortunately, gitolite lets us set git configurations via the gitolite.conf file. You first need to set ‘GIT_CONFIG_KEYS’ to ‘.*’` in ~git/.gitolite.rc. (‘.*’ is the broader, probably ‘cgit.*’ is enough, haven't tested tho).
131 Now, in your `gitolite.conf` you can
133 ```conf
134 repo gitolite-admin
135 config cgit.ignore=1
136 ```
138 and BOOM, it's hidden and unreachable via cgit (both via web and http clone).
140 But (there are too many “but” in this section, hu?) we can do even better:
142 ```conf
143 @hiddenrepos = gitolite-admin
144 @hiddenrepos = private-stuff
145 @hiddenrepos = next-gen-revolutionary-stuff
147 repo @hiddenrepos
148 config cgit.ignore=1
149 ```
151 to bulk-hide repositories.
153 Neat.