
1 #+TITLE: =sndio.el=
3 =sndio.el= is a major mode to interact with =sndio(8)=.
5 #+CAPTION: sndio.el screencast
6 #+NAME: screencast.png
7 [[file:screencast.gif]]
9 Activate it with =M-x sndio RET=, then the following bindings will be available:
11 | =d= | sndio-decrease |
12 | =g= | sndio-update |
13 | =i= | sndio-increase |
14 | =m= | sndio-mute |
15 | =t= | sndio-toggle |
16 | =n= | forward-line |
17 | =p= | previous-line |
19 or call =M-x sndio-win-open RET= to open a popup window to quickly
20 change the volume and then =q= to quit.