
1 (ns blog.core
2 (:require
3 [blog.rss :as rss]
4 [blog.http :as http]
5 [blog.gemini :as gemini]
6 [blog.time :as time]
7 [clojure.edn :as edn]
8 [ :as io]
9 [ :refer [sh]]
10 [ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
11 [ring.middleware.content-type :refer [wrap-content-type]]
12 [ring.middleware.resource :refer [wrap-resource]])
13 (:import ( File)
14 (java.nio.file Files Paths))
15 (:gen-class))
17 (defn copy-file [src dst]
18 (with-open [in (io/input-stream (io/file src))
19 out (io/output-stream (io/file dst))]
20 (io/copy in out)))
22 (defn post [{:keys [slug gemtext?] :as p}]
23 (let [ext (if gemtext? ".gmi" ".md")
24 path (str "posts/" slug ext)
25 file (io/resource path)]
26 (when-not file
27 (throw (ex-info "51: post not found" {:slug slug
28 :gemtext? gemtext?
29 :path path})))
30 (-> p
31 (assoc :body (slurp file))
32 (update :date time/parse))))
34 (def pages (atom nil))
35 (def per-tag (atom {}))
36 (def posts (atom []))
38 (defn add-post! [m]
39 (let [p (post m)]
40 (swap! posts conj p)
41 (doseq [t (:tags m)]
42 (swap! per-tag update t conj p))))
44 (defn load-posts! []
45 (reset! per-tag {})
46 (reset! posts [])
47 (doseq [p (-> "posts.edn"
48 io/resource
49 slurp
50 edn/read-string)]
51 (add-post! p)))
53 (defn load-pages! []
54 (reset! pages (->> "pages.edn"
55 io/resource
56 slurp
57 edn/read-string
58 (map (fn [{:keys [slug] :as p}]
59 (assoc p :body (as-> slug $
60 (str "pages/" $ ".gmi")
61 (io/resource $)
62 (slurp $))))))))
64 (defn create-dirs! []
65 (doseq [d ["resources/out"
66 "resources/out/gemini"
67 "resources/out/gemini/pages"
68 "resources/out/gemini/post"
69 "resources/out/gemini/tag"
70 "resources/out/gemini/img"
71 "resources/out/gemini/cgi"
72 "resources/out/http"
73 "resources/out/http/css"
74 "resources/out/http/pages"
75 "resources/out/http/post"
76 "resources/out/http/tag"
77 "resources/out/http/img"]]
78 (.. (File. d) mkdirs)))
80 (def gemini-post :gemtext?)
82 (defn post-pages [{:keys [proto]}]
83 (let [tags (keys @per-tag)
84 ext (if (= proto :gemini) ".gmi" ".html")
85 ffn (if (= proto :gemini) gemini-post identity)
86 ffn' #(when (ffn %)
87 (not (:draft? %)))]
88 (map-indexed (fn [i posts]
89 {:filename (if (= i 0)
90 (str "index" ext)
91 (str (inc i) ext))
92 :tags tags
93 :nth (inc i)
94 :posts posts
95 :has-next true
96 :has-prev true})
97 (partition-all 6 (filter ffn' @posts)))))
99 (defn fix-next-last
100 "Fix the :has-prev/:has-next for the post pages. This assumes
101 that `(not (empty? post-pages))`"
102 [post-pages]
103 (-> post-pages
104 (->> (into []))
105 (update 0 assoc :has-prev false)
106 (update (dec (count post-pages)) assoc :has-next false)))
108 (defn render-pages [pagefn proto ext]
109 (doseq [page @pages
110 :let [{:keys [slug]} page
111 filename (str "resources/out/"
112 (name proto) "/pages/"
113 slug ext)]]
114 (spit filename
115 (pagefn page))))
117 (defn render-post-list [viewfn proto]
118 (doseq [p (fix-next-last (post-pages {:proto proto}))
119 :let [{:keys [filename]} p]]
120 (spit (str "resources/out/" (name proto) "/" filename)
121 (viewfn p))))
123 (defn render-post [viewfn proto ext {s :slug, :as post}]
124 (spit (str "resources/out/" (name proto) "/post/" s ext)
125 (viewfn post)))
127 (defn render-tags [viewfn proto ext tags]
128 (spit (str "resources/out/" (name proto) "/tags" ext)
129 (viewfn tags)))
131 (defn render-tag [viewfn proto ext tag posts]
132 (spit (str "resources/out/" (name proto) "/tag/" tag ext)
133 (viewfn tag posts)))
135 (defn render-rss []
136 (let [gemposts (->> @posts
137 (filter gemini-post)
138 (map #(dissoc % :body)))]
139 (spit (str "resources/out/gemini/rss.xml")
140 (rss/feed #(str "gemini://" % ".gmi")
141 gemposts))
142 (spit (str "resources/out/gemini/rss.gmi")
143 (gemini/feed-page gemposts)))
144 (spit (str "resources/out/http/rss.xml")
145 (rss/feed #(str "" % ".html") @posts)))
147 (defn generate-robots-txt []
148 (spit "resources/out/gemini/robots.txt" "# block some bots from accessing gempkg/man
149 User-agent: archiver
150 Disallow: /cgi/gempkg/
152 User-agent: researcher
153 Disallow: /cgi/gempkg/
155 User-agent: archiver
156 Disallow: /cgi/man/
158 User-agent: researcher
159 Disallow: /cgi/man/
160 "))
162 (defn copy-dir
163 "Copy the content of resources/`dir` to resources/out/`proto`/`dir`,
164 assuming these two directories exists."
165 [dir proto]
166 ;; java sucks at files
167 (sh "cp" "-a"
168 (str "resources/" dir)
169 (str "resources/out/" proto "/")))
171 (defn copy-assets
172 "Copy css and images to their places"
173 []
174 (copy-dir "img" "http")
175 (copy-dir "img" "gemini")
176 (copy-dir "dots" "http")
177 (copy-dir "dots" "gemini")
178 (copy-file "resources/favicon.ico" "resources/out/http/favicon.ico")
179 (copy-file "resources/css/style.css" "resources/out/http/css/style.css"))
181 (defn copy-cgi
182 "Copy cgi scripts to their place."
183 []
184 (copy-dir "cgi" "gemini"))
186 (comment (build)
187 (copy-cgi)
188 (count (filter gemini-post @posts))
189 (gemini/post-page (first @posts))
192 (defn build
193 "Build the blog"
194 []
195 (create-dirs!)
196 (copy-assets)
197 (copy-cgi)
198 (render-rss)
199 (generate-robots-txt)
200 (doseq [[proto ffn ext homefn postfn tagsfn tagfn pagefn]
201 [[:http identity ".html" http/home-page http/post-page http/tags-page http/tag-page http/custom-page]
202 [:gemini gemini-post ".gmi" gemini/home-page gemini/post-page gemini/tags-page gemini/tag-page gemini/custom-page]]]
203 (render-pages pagefn proto ext)
204 (render-post-list homefn proto)
205 (doseq [p (filter ffn @posts)]
206 (render-post postfn proto ext p))
207 (render-tags tagsfn proto ext (keys @per-tag))
208 (doseq [t @per-tag
209 :let [[tag posts] t]]
210 (render-tag tagfn proto ext (name tag) (filter ffn posts)))))
212 (def j (atom nil))
214 (defn serve
215 "Serve a preview"
216 []
217 (reset!
219 (jetty/run-jetty (-> (fn [_] {:status 404, :body "not found"})
220 (wrap-resource "out")
221 (wrap-content-type))
222 {:port 3030
223 :join? false})))
225 (defn clean
226 "clean the output directory"
227 []
228 (sh "rm" "-rf" "resources/out/http/")
229 (sh "rm" "-rf" "resources/out/gemini/"))
231 (defn local-deploy
232 "Copy the files to the local server"
233 []
234 (sh "rsync" "-r" "--delete" "resources/out/http/" "/var/www/omarpolo.local/"))
236 (defn deploy
237 "Copy the files to the server"
238 []
239 (sh "rsync" "-r" "--delete" "resources/out/http/" "op:sites/")
240 (sh "rsync" "-r" "--delete" "resources/out/gemini/" "op:gemini/"))
242 (defn stop-jetty []
243 (.stop @j)
244 (reset! j nil))
246 (defn -main [& actions]
247 (load-posts!)
248 (load-pages!)
249 (doseq [action actions]
250 (case action
251 "clean" (clean)
252 "build" (build)
253 "deploy" (deploy)
255 (println "unrecognized action" action))))
257 (comment
258 (do
259 (load-posts!)
260 (load-pages!)
261 ;; (clean)
262 (build)
263 (local-deploy))
264 (serve)
265 (stop-jetty)
267 (do
268 (deploy)
269 (local-deploy))
271 (do
272 (load-posts!)
273 (load-pages!)
274 ;; (clean)
275 (build)
276 (deploy)
277 (local-deploy))