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2 <title>error(9P) - Plan 9 from User Space</title>
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6 <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>
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9 <tr><td width=20><td><b>ERROR(9P)</b><td align=right><b>ERROR(9P)</b>
10 <tr><td width=20><td colspan=2>
11 <br>
12 <p><font size=+1><b>NAME </b></font><br>
14 <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
16 error &ndash; return an error<br>
18 </table>
19 <p><font size=+1><b>SYNOPSIS </b></font><br>
21 <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
23 <i>size</i>[4] <tt><font size=+1>Rerror</font></tt> <i>tag</i>[2] <i>ename</i>[<i>s</i>]<br>
25 </table>
26 <p><font size=+1><b>DESCRIPTION </b></font><br>
28 <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
30 The <tt><font size=+1>Rerror</font></tt> message (there is no <tt><font size=+1>Terror</font></tt>) is used to return an error
31 string describing the failure of a transaction. It replaces the
32 corresponding reply message that would accompany a successful
33 call; its tag is that of the failing request.
34 <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
36 By convention, clients may truncate error messages after <tt><font size=+1>ERRMAX&#8722;1</font></tt>
37 bytes; <tt><font size=+1>ERRMAX</font></tt> is defined in <tt><font size=+1>&lt;libc.h&gt;</font></tt>.<br>
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49 <a href="../../"><img src="../../dist/spaceglenda100.png" alt="Space Glenda" border=1></a>
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