
1 (in-package #:phos/gemtext)
3 (defclass element ()
4 ((text :initarg :text)))
6 (defclass title (element)
7 ((level :initarg :level)))
9 (defclass link (element)
10 ((url :initarg :url)))
12 (defclass item (element)
13 ())
15 (defclass paragraph (element)
16 ())
18 (defclass blockquote (element)
19 ())
21 (defclass verbatim (element)
22 ((alt :initarg :alt)))
24 (defun parse-title (s)
25 "Parse a line into a title."
26 (destructuring-bind (h text)
27 (cl-ppcre:split "\\s+" s :limit 2)
28 (make-instance 'title :level (length h)
29 :text text)))
31 (defun make-link (url &optional text)
32 (make-instance 'link :url (quri:uri url)
33 :text text))
35 (defun parse-link (s)
36 "Parse a line into link."
37 (match (cl-ppcre:split "\\s+" s :limit 3)
38 ((list _ url) (make-link url))
39 ((list _ url text) (make-link url text))))
41 (defun parse-item (s)
42 "Parse a line into an item"
43 (match (cl-ppcre:split "\\s+" s :limit 2)
44 ((list _ text) (make-instance 'item :text text))))
46 (defun parse-blockquote (s)
47 "Parse a line into a blockquote."
48 (match (cl-ppcre:split "\\s+" s :limit 2)
49 ((list _ text) (make-instance 'blockquote :text text))))
51 (defun parse-line (s)
52 (if (string= s "")
53 (make-instance 'paragraph :text s)
54 (case (char s 0)
55 (#\# (parse-title s))
56 (#\= (parse-link s))
57 (#\* (parse-item s))
58 (#\> (parse-blockquote s))
59 (otherwise (make-instance 'paragraph :text s)))))
61 (defmacro markerp (line)
62 `(uiop:string-prefix-p "```" ,line))
64 (defun parse (in)
65 "Parse gemtext from the stream IN."
66 (loop with doc = nil
67 for line = (read-line in nil)
68 unless line
69 return (nreverse doc)
70 do (push
71 (if (markerp line)
72 (loop with label = (subseq line 3)
73 with content = nil
74 for line = (read-line in nil)
75 unless line
76 do (error "non-closed verbatim")
77 when (markerp line)
78 return (make-instance 'verbatim
79 :alt label
80 :text (format nil "~{~A~%~^~}"
81 (nreverse content)))
82 do (push line content))
83 (parse-line line))
84 doc)))
86 (defun parse-string (str)
87 "Parse the string STR as gemtext."
88 (with-input-from-string (s str)
89 (parse s)))
91 (defgeneric unparse (obj stream)
92 (:documentation "Print a textual representation of OBJ onto STREAM."))
94 (defmethod unparse ((l list) stream)
95 (dolist (item l)
96 (unparse item stream)))
98 (defmethod unparse ((title title) stream)
99 (with-slots (text level) title
100 (dotimes (_ level)
101 (format stream "#"))
102 (format stream " ~a~%" text)))
104 (defmethod unparse ((link link) stream)
105 (with-slots (url text) link
106 (format stream "=> ~a ~a~%" url text)))
108 (defmethod unparse ((item item) stream)
109 (with-slots (text) item
110 (format stream "* ~a~%" text)))
112 (defmethod unparse ((p paragraph) stream)
113 (with-slots (text) p
114 (format stream "~a~%" text)))
116 (defmethod unparse ((v verbatim) stream)
117 (with-slots (alt text) v
118 (format stream "```~a~%~a```~%" alt text)))
120 (defmethod unparse ((b blockquote) stream)
121 (with-slots (text) b
122 (format stream "> ~a~%" text)))