
1 # rcmain: Plan 9 on Unix version
2 if(~ $#home 0) home=$HOME
3 if(~ $#home 0) home=/
4 if(~ $#ifs 0) ifs='
5 '
6 switch($#prompt){
7 case 0
8 prompt=('% ' ' ')
9 case 1
10 prompt=($prompt ' ')
11 }
12 if(~ $rcname ?.out ?.rc */?.rc */?.out) prompt=('broken! ' ' ')
13 if(flag p) path=(/bin /usr/bin)
14 if not{
15 finit
16 # should be taken care of by rc now, but leave just in case
17 }
18 fn sigexit
19 if(! ~ $#cflag 0){
20 if(flag l && test -r $home/lib/profile) . $home/lib/profile
21 status=''
22 eval $cflag
23 exit $status
24 }
25 if(flag i){
26 if(~ $TERM 9term){
27 if(~ $#'fn#cd' 0)
28 fn cd { builtin cd $1 && flag i && awd }
29 awd
30 }
31 if(flag l && test -r $home/lib/profile) . $home/lib/profile
32 status=''
33 if(! ~ $#* 0) . $*
34 . -i '/dev/stdin'
35 exit $status
36 }
37 if(flag l && test -r $home/lib/profile) . $home/lib/profile
38 if(~ $#* 0){
39 . /dev/stdin
40 exit $status
41 }
42 status=''
43 . $*
44 exit $status