
1 #!/usr/local/plan9/bin/rc
3 # the venti configuration is stored at the 248kB offset in the first index
4 # partition and extends for at most 8 kB.
6 rfork e
7 fn usage {
8 echo 'usage: venti/conf [-w] /dev/sdC0/v.arenas' >[1=2]
9 exit usage
10 }
12 wflag=no
13 while(! ~ $#* 0 && ~ $1 -* && ! ~ $1 --){
14 switch($1){
15 case -w
16 wflag=yes
17 case *
18 usage
19 }
20 shift
21 }
22 if(~ $1 --)
23 shift
25 if(~ $wflag no && ! ~ $#* 1)
26 usage
27 if(~ $wflag yes && ! ~ $#* 1 2)
28 usage
30 disk=$1
31 if(! 9 test -f $disk){
32 echo 'unknown disk' $1 >[1=2]
33 exit nodisk
34 }
36 fn sigexit {
37 #rm -f /tmp/venticonf.$pid
38 }
40 if(~ $wflag yes){
41 {echo venti config; cat $2} >/tmp/venticonf.$pid || exit oops
42 if(! 9 test -s /tmp/venticonf.$pid){
43 echo 'config is empty; will not install' >[1=2]
44 exit emptyconfig
45 }
46 if(9 test `{9 ls -l /tmp/venticonf.$pid | awk '{print $6}'} -gt 8192){
47 echo 'config is too long; max is a little less than eight kilobytes' >[1=2]
48 exit toolong
49 }
50 9 dd -quiet 1 -bs 1024 -count 8 -if $disk -iseek 248 \
51 >/tmp/_venticonf.old || exit backup
52 9 dd -quiet 1 -count 2 </dev/zero >> /tmp/venticonf.$pid || exit dd
53 9 dd -quiet 1 -bs 1024 -count 8 -if /tmp/venticonf.$pid \
54 -of $disk -trunc 0 -oseek 248 || exit dd2
55 exit 0
56 }
58 9 dd -quiet 1 -bs 1024 -count 8 -if $disk -iseek 248 |
59 zerotrunc >/tmp/venticonf.$pid
61 if(! cmp <{sed 1q /tmp/venticonf.$pid} <{echo venti config}){
62 echo 'config has bad header' >[1=2]
63 exit badconfig
64 }
66 sed 1d /tmp/venticonf.$pid
67 exit ''