
1 (ns blog.gemtext
2 (:require
3 [clojure.string :as str]
4 [clojure.walk :as walk]))
6 (defn- starts-with?
7 "check if `s` starts with `substr`. Return `false` if `s` is not a
8 string."
9 [s substr]
10 (when (string? s)
11 (str/starts-with? s substr)))
13 (defn- match-code-blocks []
14 (fn [rf]
15 (let [acc (volatile! [])
16 state (volatile! :normal)]
17 (fn
18 ([] (rf))
19 ([result] (rf result))
20 ([result line]
21 (let [in-verbatim? (= :verbatim @state)
22 marker? (starts-with? line "```")]
23 (cond
24 (and (not in-verbatim?) marker?) ;go to verbatim
25 (do (vreset! state :verbatim)
26 result)
28 ;; return what we've got and go to :normal
29 (and in-verbatim? marker?)
30 (let [res [:verbatim (str/join "\n" @acc)]]
31 (vreset! state :normal)
32 (vreset! acc [])
33 (rf result res))
35 in-verbatim?
36 (do (vswap! acc conj line)
37 result)
39 :else
40 (rf result line))))))))
42 (defn- match-headings []
43 (fn [rf]
44 (fn
45 ([] (rf))
46 ([result] (rf result))
47 ([result line]
48 (rf result
49 (cond
50 ;; the space character after the # is madatory
51 (starts-with? line "# ") [:h1 (subs line 2)]
52 (starts-with? line "## ") [:h2 (subs line 3)]
53 (starts-with? line "### ") [:h3 (subs line 4)]
54 :else line))))))
56 (defn- generic-matcher
57 "Return a generic matcher transducer. Will wrap line that starts with
58 `start` within `[type line]`."
59 [start type]
60 (fn [rf]
61 (fn
62 ([] (rf))
63 ([result] (rf result))
64 ([result line]
65 (rf result
66 (if (starts-with? line start)
67 [type (subs line (count start))]
68 line))))))
70 (defn- match-lists [] (generic-matcher "* " :li))
71 (defn- match-blockquotes [] (generic-matcher "> " :blockquote))
73 (defn- match-links []
74 (fn [rf]
75 (fn
76 ([] (rf))
77 ([result] (rf result))
78 ([result line]
79 (let [spaces? #{\space \tab}
80 nonblank? (complement spaces?)]
81 (rf result
82 (if-not (starts-with? line "=>")
83 line
84 (->> (seq line)
85 (drop 2) ; drop the marker
86 (drop-while spaces?) ; drop also the optional spaces
87 (split-with nonblank?) ; separate URL from (optional) label
88 (apply #(vector :link
89 (apply str %1)
90 (apply str (drop-while spaces? %2))))))))))))
92 (defn match-paragraphs [] (generic-matcher "" :paragraph))
94 (def parser
95 (comp (match-code-blocks)
96 (match-headings)
97 (match-lists)
98 (match-blockquotes)
99 (match-links)
100 (match-paragraphs)))
102 (defn parse
103 "Given a string representing a gemtext document, parse it into an
104 hiccup-like data structure."
105 [str]
106 (transduce parser conj [] (str/split-lines str)))
108 (defn unparse [thing]
109 (let [sw (StringBuilder.)]
110 (walk/prewalk
111 (fn [t]
112 (cond
113 (nil? t) nil
115 (or (seq? t)
116 (vector? t))
117 (if-not (keyword? (first t))
119 (let [[type a b] t]
120 (.append sw
121 (case type
122 :verbatim (str "```\n" a "\n```")
123 :h1 (str "# " a)
124 :h2 (str "## " a)
125 :h3 (str "### " a)
126 :li (str "* " a)
127 :blockquote (str "> " a)
128 :link (str "=> " a " " b)
129 :paragraph a))
130 (.append sw "\n")
131 nil))))
132 thing)
133 (.toString sw)))
135 (defn html-escape
136 "Escape HTML entities in `str`"
137 [str]
138 (str/escape str
139 {\< "&lt;"
140 \> "&gt;"
141 \& "&amp;"}))
143 (defn- link->html
144 "Convert a (gemtext) link an HTML element. If the link is pointing to
145 an image (guessed by href) transform it into an image, otherwise
146 return a (HTML) link."
147 [[_ href text]]
148 (let [text (html-escape text)]
149 (if (re-matches #".*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)" href)
150 [:p [:a {:href href}
151 [:img {:src href
152 :alt text}]]]
153 [ [:a {:href href}
154 text]])))
156 (defn to-hiccup [doc]
157 (let [l (atom [])]
158 (walk/prewalk
159 (fn [t]
160 (cond
161 (nil? t) nil
163 (or (seq? t)
164 (vector? t))
165 (if-not (keyword? (first t))
167 (let [[type a & _] t
168 a (html-escape a)]
169 (swap! l conj
170 (case type
171 :verbatim [:pre [:code a]]
172 :h1 [:h1 a]
173 :h2 [:h2 a]
174 :h3 [:h3 a]
175 :li [:ul [:li a]] ;; TODO!
176 :blockquote [:blockquote a]
177 :link (link->html t)
178 :paragraph [:p a]))
179 nil))))
180 doc)
181 (seq @l)))
183 (comment
185 (unparse (parse "```\nhello there\n```\n"))
187 (unparse (list [:h2 "hello there"] (list (list nil (list nil)))))
188 (unparse (list [:h2 "hello there"]))