
1 // support for acme; acid must be run with /acme/acid/$cputype/Acid
4 defn w(*code)
5 {
6 local dir;
8 printto("/tmp/acme.acid", eval code);
9 rc("cat /tmp/acme.acid | wnew -d "+"Acid/-stk'("+itoa(pid)+")'");
10 }
12 defn procstk(pid, name)
13 {
14 local dir;
16 printto("/tmp/acme.acid", stk());
17 rc("cat /tmp/acme.acid | wnew -d "+"Acid/-'"+name+"("+itoa(pid)+")'");
18 }
20 defn taskstk(tid, name)
21 {
22 local dir;
24 printto("/tmp/acme.acid", threadstk(tid));
25 rc("cat /tmp/acme.acid | wnew -d "+"Acid/-"+name+"'("+itoa(pid)+")'");
26 }
28 defn _stk(pc, sp, link, dolocals)
29 {
30 local stk;
32 print("At pc:", pc, ":", fmt(pc, 'a'), " ");
33 pfl(pc);
35 stk = strace(pc, sp, link);
37 while stk do {
38 frame = head stk;
39 print(fmt(frame[0], 'a'), "(");
40 params(frame[2], frame[0]);
41 print(") ");
42 print("\n\tcalled from ", fmt(frame[1], 'a'), " ");
43 pfl(frame[1]);
44 stk = tail stk;
45 if dolocals then
46 locals(frame[3], frame[0]);
47 }
48 }
50 //defn _stk(pc, sp, dolocals)
51 //{
52 // w(__stk(pc, sp, dolocals));
53 //}
56 defn params(param, name)
57 {
58 while param do {
59 sym = head param;
60 print("*", fmt(name, 'a'), ":", sym[0], "=", sym[1]);
61 param = tail param;
62 if param then
63 print (",");
64 }
65 }
67 defn locals(l, name)
68 {
69 local sym;
71 while l do {
72 sym = head l;
73 print("\t*", fmt(name, 'a'), ":", sym[0], "=", sym[1], "\n");
74 l = tail l;
75 }
76 }
78 defn bptab() // print a table of breakpoints
79 {
80 local lst, addr;
82 lst = bplist;
83 while lst do {
84 addr = head lst;
85 print("\tbpdel(", fmt(addr, 'a'), ")\n");
86 lst = tail lst;
87 }
88 }
90 defn procs() // print status of processes
91 {
92 local c, lst, cpid;
94 cpid = pid;
95 lst = proclist;
96 while lst do {
97 np = head lst;
98 setproc(np);
99 if np == cpid then
100 print(">");
101 print("\t", "setproc(", np, ")\t", status(np), " at ", fmt(*PC, 'a'), "\n");
102 lst = tail lst;
104 pid = cpid;
105 if pid != 0 then
106 setproc(pid);
109 defn allstacks() // print stacks of processes and threads
111 complex Proc P;
112 local T, Tq;
113 local c, lst, cpid;
115 cpid = pid;
116 P = (Proc)pq.$head;
117 while P != 0 do{
118 Tq = (Tqueue)P.threads;
119 T = (Thread)Tq.$head;
120 setproc(;
121 while T != 0 do{
122 if(T.cmdname == 0) then taskstk(T, "unknown");
123 else taskstk(T, *(T.cmdname\s));
124 T = T.nextt;
126 P =;
128 pid = cpid;
129 if pid != 0 then
130 setproc(pid);
133 print(acidfile);