
1 .nr _0 \n(c.
2 .\" Setup for thesis.
3 .\" This file should be modified to keep up with the standard
4 .\" for a doctoral thesis at Berkeley. Other macros which may
5 .\" be useful for a thesis are defined here.
6 .\" @(#) 2.1 8/18/80
7 .\" This version has had comments stripped; an unstripped version is available.
8 .nr tf 1
9 .he '''%'
10 .if n .if \n(_o \
11 . po 1.5i
12 .if t .po 1.125i
13 .ll 5.75i
14 .if n .if 1n=0.1i \
15 . ll 5.8i
16 .m1 1i
17 .nr ?t 1
18 .ls 2
19 .nr c. \n(_0