
1 awk ' # num.collapse
2 # Input: lines of form: string (tab) num1 [(space) num2]
3 # Output: lines of form: string (tab) fancy.num.list
4 #
5 # fancy.num.list contains items, separated by ", ", of form: num or num-num
6 # Sequence of input lines with same value of string is combined
7 # into a single output line. Each input line contributes either
8 # num or num-num to output line.
10 BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
12 { sub(/ /, "\\(en", $2) } # use - if there is no en dash
14 $1 != p { p = $1
15 if (NR > 1) printf "\n"
16 printf "%s\t%s", $1, $2
17 next
18 }
19 { printf ", %s", $2 }
20 END { if (NR > 0) printf "\n" }
21 ' $*