
A Gemini server



Some distros provide a package — thanks to the maintainers!

Packaging status

Source code and precompiled binaries for linux are available:

When in doubt, compile from source: it’s easy and takes less than a minute on a raspberry pi 3. The dependencies are:

Once all the dependencies are installed, building is as easy as:

$ curl -LO
$ tar xzvf gmid-1.7.4.tar.gz
$ cd gmid-1.7.4
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install # eventually

A SHA256 file is available. However, that only checks for accidental corruption: you can use signify (SHA256.sig and the public key or GPG. The hash of the signify public key is also included in the SHA256 file and thus signed with my GPG. The signify public key for the next release ‘’ is also included.

To verify the signatures with signify(1)

$ signify -C -p -x SHA256.sig
Signature Verified OK
gmid-1.7.4.tar.gz: OK OK
gmid.linux.aarch64: OK
gmid.linux.amd64: OK

Changelog for the last versions

1.7.4 “Space-dye Vest” fourth bugfix release — Released September 24, 2021

This version includes the following bugfix:

and the relative regression test.

1.7.3 “Space-dye Vest” third bugfix release — Released September 18, 2021



1.7.2 “Space-dye Vest” second bugfix release — Released July 19, 2021

This version includes the following bugfix:

and the relative regression test.

1.7.1 “Space-dye Vest” bugfix release — Released July 11, 2021

This version includes two bugfixes:

1.7 “Space-dye Vest” — Released July 10, 2021

Starting from this version gmid doesn't depend on lex anymore, but yacc is still needed.

New Features


Bug fixes

Breaking changes