[#_{:title "My favorite (OpenBSD) hacks" :short "These are a few of my favorite hacks" :slug "my-favorite-openbsd-hacks" :date "2021/10/17" :tags #{:OpenBSD} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Our favorite hacks" :by "OpenBSD"}} {:title "A Clojure library for Gemini" :short "antenna inspired things" :slug "gemini-clojure" :date "2021/10/16" :tags #{:clojure :gemini} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Good Advices" :by "R.E.M."}} {:title "One year of gmid" :short "We can reach our destination, but we're still a ways away" :slug "one-year-of-gmid" :date "2021/10/12" :tags #{:gmid :gemini} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Driver 8" :by "R.E.M."}} {:title "Extracting files from zips" :short "meet zlib" :slug "extracting-from-zips" :date "2021/08/21" :tags #{:c :literate-programming} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Square one" :by "Coldplay"}} {:title "Inspecting zip files" :short "Look ma, without libraries!" :slug "inspecting-zips" :date "2021/08/19" :tags #{:c :literate-programming} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Twisted Logic" :by "Coldplay"}} {:title "Writing a simple Emacs major-mode" :short "About DSLs and custom major-modes" :slug "writing-a-major-mode" :date "2021/08/06" :tags #{:elisp :emacs} :gemtext? true :music {:title "New Millennium" :by "Dream Theater"}} {:title "Talking ’bout 9P: open and walk" :short "The mindblowing Twalk" :slug "taking-about-9p-open-and-walk" :date "2021/08/01" :tags #{:nine-p} :gemtext? true :music {:title "The Riddler" :by "Nightwish"}} {:title "Talking ’bout 9P: intro" :short "Getting to know 9P" :slug "taking-about-9p-intro" :date "2021/07/31" :tags #{:nine-p} :gemtext? true :music {:title "The Pharaoh Sails to Orion" :by "Nightwish"}} {:title "The current state of theme switching" :short "A cry for help." :slug "state-of-theme-switching" :date "2021/07/26" :tags #{:rant} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Gethsemane" :by "Nightwish"}} {:title "How to suspend a UNIX process" :short "I want to break free!" :slug "suspend-unix-process" :date "2021/07/15" :tags #{:unix} :gemtext? true :music {:title "I want to break free" :by "The Queen"}} {:title "gmid “Space-dye Vest” 1.7 update" :short "Your preferred Gemini server, updated!" :slug "gmid-1.7" :date "2021/07/10" :tags #{:gemini :gmid} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Space-Dye Vest" :by "Dream Theater"}} {:title "Virtual users and OpenSMTPD/Dovecot" :short "AWK for the rescue!" :slug "opensmtd-dovecot-virtual-users" :date "2021/06/05" :tags #{:mail} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Rifare" :by "Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti"}} {:title "Parsing text/gemini with Clojure revisited" :short "shorter is better" :slug "gemtext-clojure" :date "2021/04/16" :tags #{:gemini :clojure :lisp} :gemtext? true :music {:title "How to Disappear Completely" :by "Radiohead"}} {:title "gmid “Stargazers” v1.6 update" :short "it's finally here!" :slug "gmid-1.6" :date "2021/03/20" :tags #{:gemini :gmid} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Stargazers" :by "Nightwish"}} {:title "Customize tty colors" :short "Thou shalt use a bright-colorscheme even in ttys" :slug "change-tty-colors" :date "2021/02/23" :tags #{:linux} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Tema del soldato eterno e degli aironi" :by "Roberto Vecchioni"}} {:title "Being lazy, the Emacs macro edition" :short "repetitive tasks no more" :slug "emacs-macros" :date "2021/02/10" :tags #{:emacs} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Wait" :by "The Beatles"}} {:title "Fun with seccomp & signals" :short "debugging fiters using signals when signals themselves are the problem" :slug "fun-with-seccomp" :date "2021/02/08" :tags #{:linux} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" :by "The Beatles"}} {:title "Reloading a daemon" :short "reload != stop+start plus misc signals race-conditions" :slug "daemon-reload" :date "2021/02/04" :tags #{:c :unix} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Strawberry Fields Forever" :by "The Beatles"}} {:title "gmid “Interstellar Overdrive” v1.5 update" :short "20 days of work = whole bunch of new features" :slug "gmid-1.5" :date "2021/01/30" :tags #{:gemini :gmid} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Interstellar Overdrive" :by "Pink Floyd"}} {:title "Comparing sandboxing techniques" :short "Different ways beastie, puffy and tux play" :slug "gmid-sandbox" :date "2021/01/22" :tags #{:linux :OpenBSD :FreeBSD :security} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Octavarium" :by "Dream Theater"}} {:title "Parsing PO files in Clojure" :short "Building parsers on top of transducers, what can go wrong?" :slug "parsing-po" :date "2021/01/13" :tags #{:clojure :parsing :literate-programming} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Metropolis Pt. 2 scenes From a Memory" :by "Dream Theater"}} {:title "Parsing UTF-8" :short "The ugly, the uglier and the finite approach" :slug "parsing-utf8" :date "2021/01/11" :tags #{:c :parsing} :gemtext? true :music {:title "Metropolis Pt. 2 scenes From a Memory" :by "Dream Theater"}} {:title "Tangle text/gemini files" :slug "tangle-text-gemini-files" :date "2020/12/30" :tags #{:gemini :literate-programming} :short "Literate programming using text/gemini?" :gemtext? true} {:title "text/gemini to HTML with AWK" :slug "text-gemini-to-html-with-awk" :date "2020/12/29" :tags #{:awk :gemini :git} :short "Fun with AWK and text/gemini" :gemtext? true :music {:title "Venice Queen" :by "Red Hot Chili Peppers"}} {:title "The joy of elisp: an example" :slug "joy-of-elisp-sndio" :date "2020/12/28" :tags #{:literate-programming :lisp :elisp :OpenBSD} :short "let's make sndioctl interactive with the power of a bunch of parens!" :gemtext? true :music {:title "L'infinita Gioia di Henry Bahus" :by "Verdena"}} {:title "IRIs are not hard!" :slug "iris-are-not-hard" :date "2020/12/26" :tags #{:c :gemini} :short "design and implementation of the IRI parser for gmid" :gemtext? true :music {:title "Houseki no Kuni - OST Disc 1"}} {:title "Screen recording from stumpwm" :slug "stumpwm-record-screen" :date "2020/12/09" :tags #{:lisp :stumpwm} :short "recording the screen, but with parens" :gemtext? true :music {:title "Deer Dance" :by "System of a Down"}} {:title "yasnippet and SPC" :slug "yasnippet-expansions" :date "2020/12/01" :tags #{:emacs} :short "expanding yasnippets" :gemtext? true :music {:title "Sign of the Cross" :by "Iron Maiden"}} {:title "love for c(a|d)+r" :slug "love-for-cadr" :date "2020/11/15" :tags #{:lisp :shitposting} :short "caaddaaddaaddaddaa…" :gemtext? true} {:title "gmid update, cgi support and services" :slug "gmid-cgi-and-services" :date "2020/11/10" :tags #{:gemini} :short "status update and cool gemini stuff" :gemtext? true :music {:title "Piccola Città" :by "Francesco Guccini" :url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjXjgyYU9eU"}} {:title "Emacs side window" :slug "emacs-side-window" :date "2020/11/05" :tags #{:emacs} :short "making buffers go to fu^W side-window themself." :gemtext? true :music {:title "I Will Take Him" :by "Grant Lee Buffalo" :url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1-qPdkJgNM"}} {:title "gmid" :slug "gmid" :date "2020/10/15" :tags #{:c :gemini} :short "adventures in network programming" :gemtext? true} {:title "Parsing Gemtext with Clojure" :slug "parsing-gemtext-with-clojure" :date "2020/10/03" :tags #{:clojure :gemini :literate-programming} :short "fun with transducers" :gemtext? true} {:title "Hello gemini!" :slug "hello-gemini" :date "2020/10/02" :tags #{:gemini} :gemtext? true} {:title "sndio over the network" :slug "sndio-over-network" :date "2020/09/22" :tags #{:OpenBSD} :short "why searching for a longer cable when you can use the network? /s" :gemtext? true} {:title "Automatic USB Tethering on OpenBSD" :slug "openbsd-tethering" :date "2020/09/21" :tags #{:OpenBSD} :short "hotplug my lazyness" :xkcd 1319 :gemtext? true} {:title "EMMS" :slug "emms" :date "2020/09/20" :tags #{:emacs :elisp} :short "How I learned to stop worrying and love the hydra/emacs/whatever" :music {:title "Kaerimichi" :url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OC6ARG6fZA"} :gemtext? true} {:title "Using IP addresses to assume the language is dumb" :slug "ip-to-assume-language-dumb" :date "2020/08/04" :tags #{:rant} :short "just your daily rant" :music {:title "One Morning" :by "Grant Lee Phillips" :url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClmbCOW73eo"}} {:title "Localization of dates in web pages" :slug "localization-of-dates-in-web-pages" :date "2020/08/03" :tags #{:l10n} :short "" :music {:title "Dream in Color" :by "Grant Lee Phillips" :url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqyduBWlmKs"}} {:title "enjoying CDPATH" :slug "enjoying-cdpath" :date "2020/06/27" :tags #{:sh} :short "changing directory like a ninja." :gemtext? true} #_ {:title "sickforth episode 1: parsing" :slug "sickforth-episode-01-parsing" :date "2020/06/23" :tags #{:compilers :sickforth} :short "You've got to start from somewhere"} #_ {:title "sickforth episode 0: introduction" :slug "sickforth-episode-00-intro" :date "2020/06/23" :tags #{:compilers :sickforth} :short "Let's write a compiler for an (arbitrary) subset of Forth!"} #_ {:title "building FreeBSD packages with Synth" :slug "building-freebsd-packages-with-synth" :date "2020/06/13" :tags #{:FreeBSD} :short "Build with ease. Scripts included!"} {:title "Threading macros for elisp" :slug "elisp-threading-macros" :date "2020/06/04" :tags #{:elisp} :short "(-> '->> symbol-name (concat \" is so cool\"))" :toot "https://europecom.net/notice/9vm27kyIDp6oe8h3su"} {:title "Updating the ssh key to ed25519" :slug "upgrading-ssh-key-ed25519" :date "2020/06/03" :tags #{:ssh} :short "no TL;DR this time"} {:title "Logstash + jdbc = role does not exists" :slug "logstash-jdbc-role-does-not-exists" :date "2020/05/10" :tags #{:logstash :postgresql} :short "TL;DR use the connection string properly"} {:title "Finite State Machine in Godot" :slug "finite-automata-godot" :date "2020/04/29" :tags #{:godot} :short "Did I mention how I love finite automata?"} {:title "cgit & gitolite" :slug "cgit-gitolite" :date "2020/04/22" :tags #{:git} :short "Custom git server with web interface & users management" :gemtext? true} {:title "$HOME as a git repo" :slug "home-as-git-repo" :date "2020/04/02" :tags #{:git} :short "How do you track dotfiles?"} {:title "Multiplexing data in sh(1)" :slug "sh-multiplexing-data" :date "2019/10/17" :tags #{:sh} :short "please put something clever here"} {:title "Poor man's unbound dashboard" :slug "poor-mans-unbound-dashboard" :date "2019/10/16" :tags #{:OpenBSD :tmux} :short "A little bit of bash, fifos, tmux & ttyplot"} {:title "Core naming in linux" :slug "core-naming-on-linux" :date "2019/10/15" :tags #{:OpenBSD :linux} :short "Porting BSD behaviours to linux"} {:title "CSS sprites with awk and ImageMagick" :slug "css-sprites-awk-imagemagick" :date "2019/08/08" :tags #{:css :awk} :short "I like to automatize things"} {:title "Using the C preprocessors for CSS generation" :slug "cpp-css" :date "2019/03/30" :tags #{:css} :short "old tools for new websites"} {:title "F* on OpenBSD" :slug "fstar-openbsd" :date "2019/03/25" :tags #{:fstar :OpenBSD} :short "It just works"} {:title "Abbreviations in vi(1)" :slug "abbreviations-vi" :date "2018/09/14" :tags #{:vi} :short "type even less"} {:title "Improving maildir opening time in mutt" :slug "maildir-mutt-time" :date "2018/09/14" :tags #{:mutt} :short "header_cache is just awesome"} {:title "Spell checking in vi(1)" :slug "spell-checking-vi" :date "2018/09/08" :tags #{:vi} :short "Aspell plays nice with vi."}]