/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Omar Polo * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include "minibuffer.h" #include "telescope.h" /* return 1 if moved, 0 otherwise */ static inline int forward_line(struct buffer *buffer, int n) { struct vline *vl; int did; if (buffer->current_line == NULL) return 0; vl = buffer->current_line; did = 0; while (n != 0) { if (n > 0) { vl = TAILQ_NEXT(vl, vlines); if (vl == NULL) return did; if (vl->parent->flags & L_HIDDEN) continue; buffer->current_line = vl; n--; } else { vl = TAILQ_PREV(vl, vhead, vlines); if (vl == NULL) return did; if (vl->parent->flags & L_HIDDEN) continue; if (buffer->current_line == buffer->top_line) buffer->top_line = vl; buffer->current_line = vl; n++; } did = 1; } return did; } void cmd_previous_line(struct buffer *buffer) { forward_line(buffer, -1); } void cmd_next_line(struct buffer *buffer) { forward_line(buffer, +1); } void cmd_backward_char(struct buffer *buffer) { if (buffer->cpoff != 0) buffer->cpoff--; } void cmd_forward_char(struct buffer *buffer) { size_t len = 0; if (buffer->current_line->line != NULL) len = utf8_cplen(buffer->current_line->line); if (++buffer->cpoff > len) buffer->cpoff = len; } void cmd_backward_paragraph(struct buffer *buffer) { do { if (!forward_line(buffer, -1)) { message("No previous paragraph"); return; } } while (buffer->current_line->line != NULL || buffer->current_line->parent->type != LINE_TEXT); } void cmd_forward_paragraph(struct buffer *buffer) { do { if (!forward_line(buffer, +1)) { message("No next paragraph"); return; } } while (buffer->current_line->line != NULL || buffer->current_line->parent->type != LINE_TEXT); } void cmd_move_beginning_of_line(struct buffer *buffer) { buffer->cpoff = 0; } void cmd_move_end_of_line(struct buffer *buffer) { struct vline *vl; vl = buffer->current_line; if (vl->line == NULL) return; buffer->cpoff = utf8_cplen(vl->line); } void cmd_redraw(struct buffer *buffer) { ui_schedule_redraw(); } void cmd_scroll_line_up(struct buffer *buffer) { struct vline *vl; if ((vl = TAILQ_PREV(buffer->top_line, vhead, vlines)) == NULL) return; forward_line(buffer, -1); buffer->line_off--; buffer->top_line = vl; } void cmd_scroll_line_down(struct buffer *buffer) { if (!forward_line(buffer, +1)) return; buffer->top_line = TAILQ_NEXT(buffer->top_line, vlines); buffer->line_off++; } void cmd_scroll_up(struct buffer *buffer) { forward_line(buffer, -1*body_lines); } void cmd_scroll_down(struct buffer *buffer) { forward_line(buffer, body_lines); } void cmd_beginning_of_buffer(struct buffer *buffer) { buffer->current_line = TAILQ_FIRST(&buffer->head); buffer->cpoff = 0; buffer->top_line = buffer->current_line; buffer->line_off = 0; } void cmd_end_of_buffer(struct buffer *buffer) { buffer->current_line = TAILQ_LAST(&buffer->head, vhead); buffer->cpoff = body_cols; } void cmd_kill_telescope(struct buffer *buffer) { save_session(); event_loopbreak(); } void cmd_push_button(struct buffer *buffer) { struct vline *vl; struct line *l; vl = buffer->current_line; switch (vl->parent->type) { case LINE_LINK: load_url_in_tab(current_tab(), vl->parent->alt); break; case LINE_PRE_START: l = TAILQ_NEXT(vl->parent, lines); for (; l != NULL; l = TAILQ_NEXT(l, lines)) { if (l->type == LINE_PRE_END) break; l->flags ^= L_HIDDEN; } break; default: break; } } void cmd_push_button_new_tab(struct buffer *buffer) { struct vline *vl; vl = buffer->current_line; if (vl->parent->type != LINE_LINK) return; new_tab(vl->parent->alt); } void cmd_previous_button(struct buffer *buffer) { struct excursion place; save_excursion(&place, buffer); do { if (!forward_line(buffer, -1)) { restore_excursion(&place, buffer); message("No previous link"); return; } } while (buffer->current_line->parent->type != LINE_LINK); } void cmd_next_button(struct buffer *buffer) { struct excursion place; save_excursion(&place, buffer); do { if (!forward_line(buffer, +1)){ restore_excursion(&place, buffer); message("No next link"); return; } } while (buffer->current_line->parent->type != LINE_LINK); } static inline int is_heading(const struct line *l) { return l->type == LINE_TITLE_1 || l->type == LINE_TITLE_2 || l->type == LINE_TITLE_3; } void cmd_previous_heading(struct buffer *buffer) { struct excursion place; save_excursion(&place, buffer); do { if (!forward_line(buffer, -1)) { restore_excursion(&place, buffer); message("No previous heading"); return; } } while (!is_heading(buffer->current_line->parent)); } void cmd_next_heading(struct buffer *buffer) { struct excursion place; save_excursion(&place, buffer); do { if (!forward_line(buffer, +1)) { restore_excursion(&place, buffer); message("No next heading"); return; } } while (!is_heading(buffer->current_line->parent)); } void cmd_previous_page(struct buffer *buffer) { struct tab *tab = current_tab(); if (!load_previous_page(tab)) message("No previous page"); else start_loading_anim(tab); } void cmd_next_page(struct buffer *buffer) { struct tab *tab = current_tab(); if (!load_next_page(tab)) message("No next page"); else start_loading_anim(tab); } void cmd_clear_minibuf(struct buffer *buffer) { message(NULL); } void cmd_execute_extended_command(struct buffer *buffer) { size_t len; if (in_minibuffer) { message("We don't have enable-recursive-minibuffers"); return; } enter_minibuffer(eecmd_self_insert, eecmd_select, exit_minibuffer, &eecmd_history); len = sizeof(ministate.prompt); strlcpy(ministate.prompt, "", len); if (thiskey.meta) strlcat(ministate.prompt, "M-", len); strlcat(ministate.prompt, ui_keyname(thiskey.key), len); if (thiskey.meta) strlcat(ministate.prompt, " ", len); } void cmd_tab_close(struct buffer *buffer) { struct tab *tab, *t; tab = current_tab(); if (TAILQ_PREV(tab, tabshead, tabs) == NULL && TAILQ_NEXT(tab, tabs) == NULL) { message("Can't close the only tab."); return; } if (evtimer_pending(&tab->loadingev, NULL)) evtimer_del(&tab->loadingev); stop_tab(tab); if ((t = TAILQ_PREV(tab, tabshead, tabs)) == NULL) t = TAILQ_NEXT(tab, tabs); TAILQ_REMOVE(&tabshead, tab, tabs); free(tab); switch_to_tab(t); } void cmd_tab_close_other(struct buffer *buffer) { struct tab *t, *i; TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(t, &tabshead, tabs, i) { if (t->flags & TAB_CURRENT) continue; stop_tab(t); TAILQ_REMOVE(&tabshead, t, tabs); free(t); } } void cmd_tab_new(struct buffer *buffer) { const char *url; if ((url = new_tab_url) == NULL) url = NEW_TAB_URL; new_tab(url); } void cmd_tab_next(struct buffer *buffer) { struct tab *tab, *t; tab = current_tab(); tab->flags &= ~TAB_CURRENT; if ((t = TAILQ_NEXT(tab, tabs)) == NULL) t = TAILQ_FIRST(&tabshead); t->flags |= TAB_CURRENT; t->flags &= ~TAB_URGENT; } void cmd_tab_previous(struct buffer *buffer) { struct tab *tab, *t; tab = current_tab(); tab->flags &= ~TAB_CURRENT; if ((t = TAILQ_PREV(tab, tabshead, tabs)) == NULL) t = TAILQ_LAST(&tabshead, tabshead); t->flags |= TAB_CURRENT; t->flags &= ~TAB_URGENT; } void cmd_tab_move(struct buffer *buffer) { struct tab *tab, *t; tab = current_tab(); t = TAILQ_NEXT(tab, tabs); TAILQ_REMOVE(&tabshead, tab, tabs); if (t == NULL) TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&tabshead, tab, tabs); else TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&tabshead, t, tab, tabs); } void cmd_tab_move_to(struct buffer *buffer) { struct tab *tab, *t; tab = current_tab(); t = TAILQ_PREV(tab, tabshead, tabs); TAILQ_REMOVE(&tabshead, tab, tabs); if (t == NULL) { if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&tabshead)) TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&tabshead, tab, tabs); else TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&tabshead, tab, tabs); } else TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(t, tab, tabs); } void cmd_load_url(struct buffer *buffer) { if (in_minibuffer) { message("We don't have enable-recursive-minibuffers"); return; } enter_minibuffer(lu_self_insert, lu_select, exit_minibuffer, &lu_history); strlcpy(ministate.prompt, "Load URL: ", sizeof(ministate.prompt)); strlcpy(ministate.buf, "gemini://", sizeof(ministate.buf)); cmd_move_end_of_line(&ministate.buffer); } void cmd_load_current_url(struct buffer *buffer) { struct tab *tab = current_tab(); if (in_minibuffer) { message("We don't have enable-recursive-minibuffers"); return; } enter_minibuffer(lu_self_insert, lu_select, exit_minibuffer, &lu_history); strlcpy(ministate.prompt, "Load URL: ", sizeof(ministate.prompt)); strlcpy(ministate.buf, tab->hist_cur->h, sizeof(ministate.buf)); ministate.buffer.cpoff = utf8_cplen(ministate.buf); } void cmd_bookmark_page(struct buffer *buffer) { struct tab *tab = current_tab(); enter_minibuffer(lu_self_insert, bp_select, exit_minibuffer, NULL); strlcpy(ministate.prompt, "Bookmark URL: ", sizeof(ministate.prompt)); strlcpy(ministate.buf, tab->hist_cur->h, sizeof(ministate.buf)); ministate.buffer.cpoff = utf8_cplen(ministate.buf); } void cmd_list_bookmarks(struct buffer *buffer) { load_url_in_tab(current_tab(), "about:bookmarks"); } void cmd_toggle_help(struct buffer *buffer) { ui_toggle_side_window(); } void cmd_inc_fill_column(struct buffer *buffer) { if (fill_column == INT_MAX) return; fill_column += 2; message("fill-column: %d", fill_column); ui_schedule_redraw(); } void cmd_dec_fill_column(struct buffer *buffer) { if (fill_column == INT_MAX || fill_column < 8) return; fill_column -= 2; message("fill-column: %d", fill_column); ui_schedule_redraw(); } void cmd_olivetti_mode(struct buffer *buffer) { olivetti_mode = !olivetti_mode; if (olivetti_mode) message("olivetti-mode enabled"); else message("olivetti-mode disabled"); ui_schedule_redraw(); } void cmd_mini_delete_char(struct buffer *buffer) { char *c, *n; if (!in_minibuffer) { message("text is read-only"); return; } minibuffer_taint_hist(); c = utf8_nth(buffer->current_line->line, buffer->cpoff); if (*c == '\0') return; n = utf8_next_cp(c); memmove(c, n, strlen(n)+1); } void cmd_mini_delete_backward_char(struct buffer *buffer) { char *c, *p, *start; if (!in_minibuffer) { message("text is read-only"); return; } minibuffer_taint_hist(); c = utf8_nth(buffer->current_line->line, buffer->cpoff); start = buffer->current_line->line; if (c == start) return; p = utf8_prev_cp(c-1, start); memmove(p, c, strlen(c)+1); buffer->cpoff--; } void cmd_mini_kill_line(struct buffer *buffer) { char *c; if (!in_minibuffer) { message("text is read-only"); return; } minibuffer_taint_hist(); c = utf8_nth(buffer->current_line->line, buffer->cpoff); *c = '\0'; } void cmd_mini_abort(struct buffer *buffer) { if (!in_minibuffer) return; ministate.abortfn(); } void cmd_mini_complete_and_exit(struct buffer *buffer) { if (!in_minibuffer) return; minibuffer_taint_hist(); ministate.donefn(); } void cmd_mini_previous_history_element(struct buffer *buffer) { if (ministate.history == NULL) { message("No history"); return; } if (ministate.hist_cur == NULL || (ministate.hist_cur = TAILQ_PREV(ministate.hist_cur, mhisthead, entries)) == NULL) { ministate.hist_cur = TAILQ_LAST(&ministate.history->head, mhisthead); ministate.hist_off = ministate.history->len - 1; if (ministate.hist_cur == NULL) message("No prev item"); } else { ministate.hist_off--; } if (ministate.hist_cur != NULL) buffer->current_line->line = ministate.hist_cur->h; } void cmd_mini_next_history_element(struct buffer *buffer) { if (ministate.history == NULL) { message("No history"); return; } if (ministate.hist_cur == NULL || (ministate.hist_cur = TAILQ_NEXT(ministate.hist_cur, entries)) == NULL) { ministate.hist_cur = TAILQ_FIRST(&ministate.history->head); ministate.hist_off = 0; if (ministate.hist_cur == NULL) message("No next item"); } else { ministate.hist_off++; } if (ministate.hist_cur != NULL) buffer->current_line->line = ministate.hist_cur->h; }