#include #include #include enum { Max = 100 }; Point string(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s) { return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, 1<<24, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, SoverD); } Point stringop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, Drawop op) { return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, 1<<24, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, op); } Point stringn(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, int len) { return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, len, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, SoverD); } Point stringnop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, int len, Drawop op) { return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, s, nil, len, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, op); } Point runestring(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r) { return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, 1<<24, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, SoverD); } Point runestringop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r, Drawop op) { return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, 1<<24, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, op); } Point runestringn(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r, int len) { return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, len, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, SoverD); } Point runestringnop(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, Rune *r, int len, Drawop op) { return _string(dst, pt, src, sp, f, nil, r, len, dst->clipr, nil, ZP, op); } Point _string(Image *dst, Point pt, Image *src, Point sp, Font *f, char *s, Rune *r, int len, Rectangle clipr, Image *bg, Point bgp, Drawop op) { int m, n, wid, max; ushort cbuf[Max], *c, *ec; uchar *b; char *subfontname; char **sptr; Rune **rptr; Font *def; Subfont *sf; if(len < 0) sysfatal("libdraw: _string len=%d", len); if(s == nil){ s = ""; sptr = nil; }else sptr = &s; if(r == nil){ r = (Rune*) L""; rptr = nil; }else rptr = &r; sf = nil; while((*s || *r) && len){ max = Max; if(len < max) max = len; n = cachechars(f, sptr, rptr, cbuf, max, &wid, &subfontname); if(n > 0){ _setdrawop(dst->display, op); m = 47+2*n; if(bg) m += 4+2*4; b = bufimage(dst->display, m); if(b == 0){ fprint(2, "string: %r\n"); break; } if(bg) b[0] = 'x'; else b[0] = 's'; BPLONG(b+1, dst->id); BPLONG(b+5, src->id); BPLONG(b+9, f->cacheimage->id); BPLONG(b+13, pt.x); BPLONG(b+17, pt.y+f->ascent); BPLONG(b+21, clipr.min.x); BPLONG(b+25, clipr.min.y); BPLONG(b+29, clipr.max.x); BPLONG(b+33, clipr.max.y); BPLONG(b+37, sp.x); BPLONG(b+41, sp.y); BPSHORT(b+45, n); b += 47; if(bg){ BPLONG(b, bg->id); BPLONG(b+4, bgp.x); BPLONG(b+8, bgp.y); b += 12; } ec = &cbuf[n]; for(c=cbuf; cdisplay, subfontname)) == 0){ def = f->display ? f->display->defaultfont : nil; if(def && f!=def) f = def; else break; } /* * must not free sf until cachechars has found it in the cache * and picked up its own reference. */ } } return pt; }