VERSION = 0.1 # you may want to change these OPTIONAL = xinerama xft CDEFS = -DUSE_XINERAMA -DUSE_XFT -DUSE_STRCASESTR # you may not want to change these CC ?= cc LIBS = `pkg-config --libs x11 ${OPTIONAL}` OPTIM = -O3 CFLAGS = ${CDEFS} -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" `pkg-config --cflags x11 ${OPTIONAL}` .PHONY: all clean install debug no_xft no_xinerama no_xft_xinerama gnu all: mymenu mymenu: mymenu.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) mymenu.c -o mymenu $(LIBS) ${OPTIM} gnu: mymenu.c make CDEFS="-D_GNU_SOURCE ${CDEFS}" debug: make OPTIM="-g -O0 -Wall" no_xft: mymenu.c make OPTIONAL="xinerama" CDEFS="-DUSE_XINERAMA -DUSE_STRCASESTR" no_xinerama: mymenu.c make OPTIONAL="xft" CDEFS="-DUSE_XFT -DUSE_STRCASESTR" no_xft_xinerama: mymenu.c make OPTIONAL="" CDEFS="-DUSE_STRCASESTR" clean: rm -f mymenu install: mymenu cp mymenu ~/bin