- fix `make gzip' should gzip all the files in /var/www/marc, and re-gzip if the original changed. My understanding is that if foo.gz exists then it'll be skipped, which is not desired. In particular the index pages should be re-gzipped every time as they change. - automatic linking would be nice to transform the URLs in the mail' body into clickable links. Additionally, it would be nice to support the [n] reference syntax. Maybe turning also commit ids into links? - show the original file name in the list of attachments. see for e.g. /mail/YSqwKz9bbMYM9fHW@benson.stsp.name.html - clarify date ranges Threads are sorted by their newest mail, so if an old thread gets a new reply it'll jump in the first page. The date ranges thus can jump quite a bit when navigating backward/forward. Is this OK? Can we communicate it better? - use UTC consistently msearchd uses UTC, while the rest of the UI uses the localtime of the sender. In the mail page it is fine since we show the zone offset too but the index pages don't show that!