struct buffer; #define CMD(fnname, descr) void fnname(struct buffer *) #define DEFALIAS(s, d) /* nothing */ DEFALIAS(q, cmd_kill_telescope) DEFALIAS(w, cmd_write_buffer) DEFALIAS(tabn, cmd_tab_next) DEFALIAS(tabnew, cmd_tab_new) DEFALIAS(tabp, cmd_tab_previous) DEFALIAS(wq, cmd_kill_telescope) DEFALIAS(open, cmd_load_url) CMD(cmd_backward_char, "Move point one character backward."); CMD(cmd_backward_paragraph, "Move point on paragraph backward."); CMD(cmd_beginning_of_buffer, "Move point to the beginning of the buffer."); CMD(cmd_bookmark_page, "Save a page in the bookmark file."); CMD(cmd_cache_info, "Show cache stats."); CMD(cmd_clear_minibuf, "Clear the echo area."); CMD(cmd_dec_fill_column, "Decrement fill-column by two."); CMD(cmd_end_of_buffer, "Move the point to the end of the buffer."); CMD(cmd_execute_extended_command, "Execute an internal command."); CMD(cmd_forward_char, "Move point one character forward."); CMD(cmd_forward_paragraph, "Move point one paragraph forward."); CMD(cmd_inc_fill_column, "Increment fill-column by two"); CMD(cmd_insert_current_candidate, "Copy the current selection text as minibuffer input."); CMD(cmd_kill_telescope, "Quit Telescope."); CMD(cmd_link_select, "Select and visit a link using the minibuffer."); CMD(cmd_list_bookmarks, "Load the bookmarks page."); CMD(cmd_load_current_url, "Edit the current URL."); CMD(cmd_load_url, "Prompt for an URL."); CMD(cmd_mini_abort, "Abort the current minibuffer action."); CMD(cmd_mini_complete_and_exit, "Complete the current minibuffer action."); CMD(cmd_mini_delete_backward_char, "Delete the character before the point."); CMD(cmd_mini_delete_char, "Delete the character after the point."); CMD(cmd_mini_goto_beginning, "Select the first completion."); CMD(cmd_mini_goto_end, "Select the last completion."); CMD(cmd_mini_kill_line, "Delete from point until the end of the line."); CMD(cmd_mini_next_history_element, "Load the next history element."); CMD(cmd_mini_previous_history_element, "Load the previous history element."); CMD(cmd_mini_scroll_down, "Scroll completions up by one visual page"); CMD(cmd_mini_scroll_up, "Scroll completions up by one visual page"); CMD(cmd_move_beginning_of_line, "Move point at the beginning of the current visual line."); CMD(cmd_move_end_of_line, "Move point at the end of the current visual line."); CMD(cmd_next_button, "Move point to the next link."); CMD(cmd_next_completion, "Select the next completion."); CMD(cmd_next_heading, "Move point to the next heading."); CMD(cmd_next_line, "Move point to the next visual line."); CMD(cmd_next_page, "Go forward in the page history."); CMD(cmd_olivetti_mode, "Toggle olivetti-mode."); CMD(cmd_other_window, "Select the other window."); CMD(cmd_previous_button, "Move point to the previous link."); CMD(cmd_previous_completion, "Select the previous completion."); CMD(cmd_previous_heading, "Move point to the previous heading."); CMD(cmd_previous_line, "Move point to the previous visual line."); CMD(cmd_previous_page, "Go backward in the page history."); CMD(cmd_push_button, "Follow link at point or toggle pre-visibility."); CMD(cmd_push_button_new_tab, "Follow link at point in a new tab.n"); CMD(cmd_redraw, "Redraw the screen."); CMD(cmd_reload_page, "Reload the current page."); CMD(cmd_reply_last_input, "Reply last input request."); CMD(cmd_scroll_down, "Scroll down by one visual page"); CMD(cmd_scroll_line_down, "Scroll down by one line"); CMD(cmd_scroll_line_up, "Scroll up by one line."); CMD(cmd_scroll_up, "Scroll up by one visual page"); CMD(cmd_suspend_telescope, "Suspend the current Telescope session."); CMD(cmd_swiper, "Jump to a line using the minibuffer."); CMD(cmd_tab_close, "Close the current tab."); CMD(cmd_tab_close_other, "Close all tabs but the current one."); CMD(cmd_tab_undo_close, "Reopen last closed tab."); CMD(cmd_tab_move, "Move the current tab to the right."); CMD(cmd_tab_move_to, "Move the current tab to the left."); CMD(cmd_tab_new, "Open a new tab."); CMD(cmd_tab_next, "Focus next tab."); CMD(cmd_tab_previous, "Focus previous tab."); CMD(cmd_tab_select, "Switch to a tab using the minibuffer."); CMD(cmd_toc, "Jump to a heading using the minibuffer."); CMD(cmd_toggle_downloads, "Toggle the downloads side window."); CMD(cmd_toggle_help, "Toggle side window with help."); CMD(cmd_toggle_pre_wrap, "Toggle the wrapping of preformatted blocks."); CMD(cmd_write_buffer, "Save the current page to the disk.");