# amused amused is a music player. It doesn't have any amazing features built-in, on the contrary: it's quite minimal (a fancy word to say that does very little.) It composes well, or aims to do so, with other tools though. The main feature is that audio decoding runs in a sandboxed process under `pledge("stdio recvfd audio")` (on OpenBSD at least.) It's available on the OpenBSD port tree starting from 7.1 ## Building The dependencies are: - flac - libmpg123 - libvorbis - opusfile - libsndio or libasound (ALSA) or libao - libmd (optional; needed by amused-web on linux and Mac) Then, to build: $ ./configure $ make # make install # eventually To compile the web control interface, amused-web, run: $ make web # make install-web # eventually The build can be customized by passing arguments to the configure script or by using a `configure.local` file; see `./configure -h` and [`configure.local.example`](configure.local.example) for more information. For each library the `configure` script first tries to see if they're available without any extra flags, then tries again with some hard-coded flags (e.g. `-lFLAC` for flac) and finally resorts to pkg-config if available. pkg-config auto-detection can be disable by passing `PKG_CONFIG=false` (or the empty string) For Linux users with libbsd installed, the configure script can be instructed to use libbsd exclusively as follows: $ CFLAGS="$(pkg-config --cflags libbsd-overlay)" \ ./configure LDFLAGS="$(pkg-config --libs libbsd-overlay)" To force the use of one specific audio backend and not simply the first one found, pass `--backend` as: $ ./configure --backend=alsa # or sndio, or ao ## Usage The fine man page has all nitty gritty details, but the TL;DR is - enqueue music with `amused add files...` or `amused load