* dvp-eu Just another variant of the dvorak layout, made for programmers that need also to type in non-english languages. ** Goals Build a decent, balanced layout and made it configurable through provided patches. ** Current status This project is in its early stage of development. I'm still looking for some ideas and feedback so the placement of some keys may change, until a stable release. ** Usage Just put the =dvp-eu= file in some decent place, like =/usr/X11R6/share/X11/xkb/symbols/= on OpenBSD, and =loadkeys dvp-eu=. Than you're done! ** Preview Given that, as of now, the layout is still not definitive, I'm not providing any preview of the placement. I'll provide one when it will be finished. As of now, you can get a preview of the keyboard with #+BEGIN_SRC sh setxkbmap dvp-eu -print | xkbcomp - - | xkbprint - - | ps2pdf -pict all - > dvp-eu.pdf #+END_SRC