Introduction ============ > fm is a file browser for the terminal. The main goal is to provide a faster way to explore a file system from the terminal, compared to what's possible by using `cd`, `ls`, etc. fm has vi-like key bindings for navigation and can open files in `$PAGER` and `$EDITOR`. Basic file system operations are also implemented (see fm(1) for details). fm is designed to be simple, fast and portable. fm was forked from [Rover]( Quick Start =========== Building and Installing: ``` $ make $ sudo make install ``` Running: ``` $ fm [DIR1 [DIR2 [DIR3 [...]]]] ``` Please read fm(1) for more information. Requirements ============ * Unix-like system; * curses library. Copying ======= All of the source code and documentation for fm is released into the public domain and provided without warranty of any kind.