package p9p import ( "errors" "fmt" "log" "net" "sync" "context" ) // roundTripper manages the request and response from the client-side. A // roundTripper must abide by similar rules to the http.RoundTripper. // Typically, the roundTripper will manage tag assignment and message // serialization. type roundTripper interface { send(ctx context.Context, msg Message) (Message, error) } // transport plays the role of being a client channel manager. It multiplexes // function calls onto the wire and dispatches responses to blocking calls to // send. On the whole, transport is thread-safe for calling send type transport struct { ctx context.Context ch Channel requests chan *fcallRequest shutdown chan struct{} once sync.Once // protect closure of shutdown closed chan struct{} tags uint16 } var _ roundTripper = &transport{} func newTransport(ctx context.Context, ch Channel) roundTripper { t := &transport{ ctx: ctx, ch: ch, requests: make(chan *fcallRequest), shutdown: make(chan struct{}), closed: make(chan struct{}), } go t.handle() return t } // fcallRequest encompasses the request to send a message via fcall. type fcallRequest struct { ctx context.Context message Message response chan *Fcall err chan error } func newFcallRequest(ctx context.Context, msg Message) *fcallRequest { return &fcallRequest{ ctx: ctx, message: msg, response: make(chan *Fcall, 1), err: make(chan error, 1), } } func (t *transport) send(ctx context.Context, msg Message) (Message, error) { req := newFcallRequest(ctx, msg) // dispatch the request. select { case <-t.closed: return nil, ErrClosed case <-ctx.Done(): return nil, ctx.Err() case t.requests <- req: } // wait for the response. select { case <-t.closed: return nil, ErrClosed case <-ctx.Done(): return nil, ctx.Err() case err := <-req.err: return nil, err case resp := <-req.response: if resp.Type == Rerror { // pack the error into something useful respmesg, ok := resp.Message.(MessageRerror) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid error response: %v", resp) } return nil, respmesg } return resp.Message, nil } } // allocateTag returns a valid tag given a tag pool map. It receives a hint as // to where to start the tag search. It returns an error if the allocation is // not possible. The provided map must not contain NOTAG as a key. func allocateTag(r *fcallRequest, m map[Tag]*fcallRequest, hint Tag) (Tag, error) { // The tag pool is depleted if 65535 (0xFFFF) tags are taken. if len(m) >= 0xFFFF { return 0, errors.New("tag pool depleted") } // Look for the first tag that doesn't exist in the map and return it. for i := 0; i < 0xFFFF; i++ { hint++ if hint == NOTAG { hint = 0 } if _, exists := m[hint]; !exists { return hint, nil } } return 0, errors.New("allocateTag: unexpected error") } // handle takes messages off the wire and wakes up the waiting tag call. func (t *transport) handle() { defer func() { close(t.closed) }() // the following variable block are protected components owned by this thread. var ( responses = make(chan *Fcall) // outstanding provides a map of tags to outstanding requests. outstanding = map[Tag]*fcallRequest{} selected Tag ) // loop to read messages off of the connection go func() { defer func() { t.close() // single main loop }() loop: for { fcall := new(Fcall) if err :=, fcall); err != nil { switch err := err.(type) { case net.Error: if err.Timeout() || err.Temporary() { // BUG(stevvooe): There may be partial reads under // timeout errors where this is actually fatal. // can only retry if we haven't offset the frame. continue loop } } log.Println("p9p: fatal error reading msg:", err) return } select { case <-t.ctx.Done(): return case <-t.closed: return case responses <- fcall: } } }() for { select { case req := <-t.requests: var err error selected, err = allocateTag(req, outstanding, selected) if err != nil { req.err <- err continue } outstanding[selected] = req fcall := newFcall(selected, req.message) // TODO(stevvooe): Consider the case of requests that never // receive a response. We need to remove the fcall context from // the tag map and dealloc the tag. We may also want to send a // flush for the tag. if err :=, fcall); err != nil { delete(outstanding, fcall.Tag) req.err <- err } case b := <-responses: req, ok := outstanding[b.Tag] if !ok { // BUG(stevvooe): The exact handling of an unknown tag is // unclear at this point. These may not necessarily fatal to // the session, since they could be messages that the client no // longer cares for. When we figure this out, replace this // panic with something more sensible. panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown tag received: %v", b)) } // BUG(stevvooe): Must detect duplicate tag and ensure that we are // waking up the right caller. If a duplicate is received, the // entry should not be deleted. delete(outstanding, b.Tag) req.response <- b // TODO(stevvooe): Reclaim tag id. case <-t.shutdown: return case <-t.ctx.Done(): return } } } func (t *transport) flush(ctx context.Context, tag Tag) error { // TODO(stevvooe): We need to fire and forget flush messages when a call // context gets cancelled. panic("not implemented") } func (t *transport) Close() error { t.close() select { case <-t.closed: return nil case <-t.ctx.Done(): return t.ctx.Err() } } // close starts the shutdown process. func (t *transport) close() { t.once.Do(func() { close(t.shutdown) }) }