# diffstat Show diff statistics. #!/usr/bin/awk -f AWK is great. All hail AWK! Now, some utility functions. parsehdr parse extracts the number of lines (old or new) in the following hunk. function parsehdr(s) { s = gensub(".*,", "", 1, s) s = gensub("^-", "", 1, s) return s + 0 } Extracts the name of the file from a "+++ path" or "--- path" line. function filename(s) { s = gensub("^... ", "", 1, s) These lines have an optional tab followed by extra informations (the date for example) that needs to be removed too. s = gensub("\t.*", "", 1, s) return s } Switches the current file to the one provided. It's a great place where accumulate part of the summary showed at the end and to reset the per-file counters. function switchfile(newfile) { if (file != "") { summary = sprintf("%s%4d+ %4d-\t%s\n", summary, add, rem, file) } add = 0 rem = 0 file = newfile } Now, the real "parser". It start in the "out" state BEGIN { state = "out" } Match the start of a diff on the "+++" line. state == "out" && /^\+\+\+ / { nfile = filename($0) if (nfile == "/dev/null") { When deleting a file, the name will be "/dev/null", but that's not a great name for the stats. Let's use the "old" name instead. nfile = delfile } switchfile(nfile) delfile = "" } Let's save the old name in case it's needed. state == "out" && /^--- / && file == "" { delfile = filename($0) } Match the start of a hunk and switch the state to "in" state == "out" && /^@@ / { This part is a bit complicated, but all it does is extracting the number of "new" and "old" lines showed in the hunk. A hunk header looks like this (except for the initial '#' character) # @@ -55,7 +55,19 @@ ... So first extract the text inside the pair of "@@" s = gensub("@@ ", "", 1) s = gensub(" @@.*", "", 1, s) and then parse each number. old = gensub(" .*", "", 1, s) old = parsehdr(old) new = gensub(".* ", "", 1, s) new = parsehdr(new) Don't forget to switch the state of the parser, now we're reading a hunk. state = "in" } Keep count of the added and removed line. Also, decrement the "old" and "new" lines when needed, to know when we're done with the hunk. state == "in" && /^ / { old-- new-- } state == "in" && /^-/ { old-- rem++ totrem++ } state == "in" && /^\+/ { new-- add++ totadd++ } When there are no more "new" and "old" lines to read, go back to the "out" state, ready to read another hunk or another file. state == "in" && old <= 0 && new <= 0 { state = "out" } Don't be a sink! Continue the pipeline so we can further save or apply the diff. // { print $0 } At the end, print the stats to standard error to avoid mangling the input. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a "built-in" way of printing to stderr other than using the pseudo-device. END { fflush() switchfile("") printf("%s", summary) > "/dev/stderr" printf("%4d+ %4d-\ttotal\n", totadd, totrem) > "/dev/stderr" } some example usages: * cvs -q diff | diffstat > /tmp/diff * got diff | diffstat | ssh foo 'cd xyz && got patch'