(ns blog.http (:require [blog.time :as time] [blog.gemtext :as gemtext] [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.walk :as walk] [hiccup.page :refer [html5 include-css]] [commonmark-hiccup.core :refer [markdown->hiccup default-config]])) (defn link-item [{:keys [url text title]}] [:li [:a (cond-> {:href url} title (assoc :title title)) text]]) (defn header [{:keys [skip-banner?]}] (list [:header [:nav [:ul (link-item {:url "/", :text "Home"}) (link-item {:url "/tags.html", :text "All Tags"}) (link-item {:url "/pages/projects.html", :text "Projects"}) (link-item {:url "gemini://gemini.omarpolo.com" :text "gemini://" :title "This website in the gemini space."})]] (when-not skip-banner? [:div [:h1 [:a {:href "/"} "yumh"]] [:p "writing about things, sometimes."]])])) (defn with-page [{:keys [title class description skip-banner?], :as d} & body] (html5 {:lang "en"} [:head [:meta {:charset "utf8"}] [:meta {:name "viewport", :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}] [:link {:rel "shortcut icon", :href "/favicon.ico"}] [:link {:rel "alternative" :type "application/rss+xml" :href "https://www.omarpolo.com/rss.xml"}] (when description [:meta {:name "description" :content description}]) [:title title] (include-css "/css/style.css")] [:body {:class (or class "")} (header d) [:main body] [:footer [:p "text: CC-BY-SA-4.0; code: MIT (unless specified otherwise)"] [:p "Blog proudly generated with " [:a {:href "https://git.omarpolo.com/blog/"} [:code "(clojure)"]]]] [:noscript [:img {:src "https://goatcounter.omarpolo.com/count?p=/test-img"}]] [:script " ;(function () { if (window.location.host !== 'omarpolo.com') window.goatcounter = {no_onload: true} })();"] [:script {:data-goatcounter "https://goatcounter.omarpolo.com/count" :async true :src "//goatcounter.omarpolo.com/count.js"}]])) (defn link->images "traverse `doc` and replace every link to an image to an `img` tag." [doc] (walk/prewalk (fn [item] (if-not (and (vector? item) (= (first item) :a)) item (let [[_ {:keys [href] :as attrs} text] item] [:p [:a attrs [:img {:src href :alt text}]]]))))) (defn post-fragment [{:keys [full? title-with-link?]} {:keys [title date slug tags short body toot music xkcd gemtext?], :as post}] [:article [:header [(if full? :h1 :h2.fragment) (if title-with-link? [:a {:href (str "/post/" slug ".html")} title] title)] [:p.author "Written by " [:em "Omar Polo"] " on " (time/fmt-loc date) (list (when music (let [b (list "“" [:em (:title music)] "”" (when-let [by (:by music)] (list " by " [:em by])))] (list " while listening to " (if-let [url (:url music)] [:a {:href url :target "_blank" :rel "noopener"} b] [:span b])))) ".")] [:ul.tags (map #(vector :li [:a {:href (str "/tag/" (name %) ".html")} (str "#" (name %))]) (sort tags))] (when xkcd [:p [:a {:href (str "https://xkcd.com/" xkcd) :target "_blank" :rel "noopener"} "Related XKCD"]]) (when toot [:p [:a {:href toot, :target "_blank" :rel "noopener"} "Comments over ActivityPub"]])] [:section (if full? (if gemtext? (-> body gemtext/parse gemtext/to-hiccup) (markdown->hiccup default-config body)) [:p short])]]) (defn home-page [{:keys [posts has-next has-prev nth]}] (with-page {:title "Home"} (map (partial post-fragment {:title-with-link? true}) posts) [:nav.post-navigation (if has-prev [:a.prev {:href (str "/" (if (= (dec nth) 1) "index" (dec nth)) ".html")} "« Newer Posts"]) (if has-next [:a.next {:href (str "/" (inc nth) ".html")} "Older Posts »"])])) (defn custom-page [{:keys [title body]}] (with-page {:title title :skip-banner? true} ;; warning: hack ahead (walk/prewalk (fn [item] (if-not (and (vector? item) (= (first item) :a)) item (let [[_ attrs & body] item] [:a (update attrs :href str/replace #"\.gmi$" ".html") body]))) (-> body gemtext/parse gemtext/to-hiccup)))) (defn post-page [{:keys [title short], :as post}] (with-page {:title title :class "article" :description short} (post-fragment {:full? true} post))) (defn tags-page [tags] (with-page {:title "All tags" :class "tags"} [:h2 "All tags"] [:nav [:ul (map #(vector :li [:a {:href (str "/tag/" (name %) ".html")} (str "#" (name %))]) (sort (fn [a b] (compare (.toLowerCase (name a)) (.toLowerCase (name b)))) tags))]])) (defn tag-page [tag posts] (with-page {:title (str "Posts tagged with #" tag) :class "tag"} [:h2 "Posts tagged with " [:code "#" tag]] (map (partial post-fragment {:title-with-link? true}) (->> posts (sort-by :date) (reverse)))))