Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

add a configure.local.example

mostly stolen from mandoc-portable, thanks Ingo! :)

Omar Polo

attempt to autodetect the flags for x11 & co via pkg-config

these are still overrideable from the args passed to the script.

Omar Polo

include config.h in all compats

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

add some entries to the gitignore

Omar Polo

switch to kristaps@' oconfigure

It's a bit ugly to depend _only_ on the OpenBSD make infrastructure; it's better when things are portable! Making mymenu-portable would be more effort than what it's worth it, so just make the main version portable (again). kristaps@' oconfigure (used also by mandoc-portable and mymenu) is a lightweight configure system that's really nice to use. see GitHub issue #1

Omar Polo

avoid some unnecessary strlen

Omar Polo

change parse_csslike to receive an array to fill

fixes many memory leaks, makes the code shorter AND cleaner!

Omar Polo

change initialization order

Omar Polo

minor tweaks

* don't need to export optarg/optind * use an easier to read cast for indirect array access

Omar Polo

goto s/invc/err/