Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

fix IRI-parsing bug

Some particularly crafted IRIs can cause a denial of service (DOS). IRIs which have a trailing `..' segment and resolve to a valid IRI (i.e. a .. that's not escaping the root directory) will make the server process loop forever. This is """just""" an DOS vulnerability, it doesn't expose anything sensitive or give an attacker anything else.

Omar Polo

fix various compilation errors

Include gmid.h as first header in every file, as it then includes config.h (that defines _GNU_SOURCE for instance). Fix also a warning about unsigned vs signed const char pointers in openssl.

Omar Polo

[iri] accept also : and @

again, to be RFC3986 compliant.

Omar Polo

don't %-decode the query

Omar Polo

ensure isn't NULL

Omar Polo

trim_req_iri: set error string

Omar Polo

trim initial forward slashes

this parse gemini:// into an IRI whose path is "foo". I'm not 100% this is standard-compliant but: 1. it seems a logical consequence of the URI/IRI cleaning algo (where we drop sequential slashes) 2. practically speaking serving file a sequence of forward slashes doesn't really make sense, even in the case of CGI scripts

Omar Polo


Omar Polo


Omar Polo

normalize host name when parsing the IRI

RFC3986 3.2.2 "Host" says that > Although host is case-insensitive, producers and normalizers should > use lowercase for registered names and hexadecimal addresses for the > sake of uniformity, while only using uppercase letters for > percent-encodings. so we cope with that.