Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

draft of telescope-identity(1)

This is intended to generate and manage certificates outside of telescope. Some operations are already available in the telescope UI, such as use and forget a certificate for a specific page, but generate and removal are hard at the moment to implement inside telescope limited UI, so provide an helper program for that.

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

first draft of client certificate support

At the moment telescope loads a mapping host:port/path -> certificate from a file and always uses it, no ways to change it, use a temporary one, generate a new one, etc are provided yet. The format of ~/.telescope/certs/certs is host port path certificate file name where the certificate file name is the name of a file inside ~/.telescope/certs. ~/.telescope/certs/ is ~/.local/share/telescope/ when using XDG.

Omar Polo

move includes back to the root directory

Splitting stuff into sub-directories was just a big mistake.