Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

add must_select flag for enter_minibuffer

it only makes sense when entering the minibuffer with completions. This flag is useful for functions like tag-select where the user types something but one of the completions *must* be selected.

Omar Polo

don't highlight the first completion by deafult

This is the first commit of a series to improve the handling of completions. Currently it's a mess: some commands look at the selected entry, others at what was typed in the minibuffer... it's not clear which commands does what. So, change of defaults: don't highlight anything by default to avoid confusing the user, C-n and C-p now are the obvious way to move the focus from the minibuffer to a completion. This doesn't change how the commands handle the selection, that will done in a follow-up commit.

Omar Polo

sync changelog

Omar Polo

tweak write-buffer description

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

partial revert of "abstract over evbuffers"

partial revert of commit d54dd8160b88709f3d243e1410a781e5de7fc187. We don't really need an abstraction over "printf-like" things. I can just use plain old FILEs. open_memstream (which conforms to POSIX.1) is what I should have used from the beginning in my mcache implementation.

Omar Polo

add write-buffer

saves a page to the disk. Also, changes the order of the downloads so the new one is always at the top.

Omar Polo

parser/serialize: abstract over evbuffers

the serialize "method" will soon be used in other context where using evbuffers would be awkward. Introduce a small abstraction over it: a printfn (print function) fprintf-like.

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

typo the command

spotted by tgl^W freezr, thanks!

Omar Polo

server moved