Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

rething the build system for -main, keep autotools for -portable

use the native infrastructure to build the -main branch: now it targets OpenBSD only. The -portable branch remains and keeps using autotools to facilitate the porting for other systems.

Omar Polo

update (tags/0.1.0)

Omar Polo

crank up MAXSOCK to 32

MAXSOCK is the maximum number of local connections to handle, 4 was a bit low...

Omar Polo

bump message priority

Omar Polo

add an example

Omar Polo

reuseaddr and reuseport

Omar Polo

ignore autotools stuff

Omar Polo

err(3) is used no more

Omar Polo

import log.c

Omar Polo

don't hardcode the ssh path

could be interesting to determine it at configure-time though