Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

reply-last-input: reply input requests on demand

Telescope now remebers the last URL (per tab!) that replied with 1X (input request.) The new command reply-last-input allows to resend a query to that URL. It's particularly useful with capsules that make a heavy uses of 10 replies (search engines or similar, interactive pages, etc) because it both saves a network roundtrip and the user from looking for the "search" link all across the page ;-) idea from a conversation with thfr@, thanks!

Omar Polo

move aliases at the top of the completions

it's easier to match them this way

Omar Polo

add cache-info

Omar Polo

allow to re-open closed tabs

Save closed tabs to a "killed tabs" queue, for up to a max of "max-killed-tabs", and allow to re-open them. Keep the tab history but not its content. This integrates nicely with the session file, just add the "killed" flag as alias for TAB_KILLED and put it in the ktabshead queue upon initalization. It's thus possible to re-open closed tabs even after telescope has been closed, and tabs keeps their history! Add a new cmd, cmd_tab_undo_close, to try to re-open the most recently closed tab and bind it to `u'. While here, add a TODO for the tab history memory leak.

Omar Polo

add side window for downloads

Omar Polo

add toggle-pre-wrap

Omar Polo

add suspend-telescope

Omar Polo

sort commands

Omar Polo

add toc, bound to t