Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

keep the current song if load input was generated by show -p

`amused show -p' generates a listing in the form of song > current song song ... This adds an heuristic to `amused load' so that the current song can be set if it's prefixed by "> ". It's particularly useful when re-importing the state from a previous run.

Omar Polo

flush stdout after each monitor event

otherwise the output may get buffered by a pipe and it's not pretty.

Omar Polo

add the `monitor' command

Omar Polo

add (and handle) cmd `repeat'

Omar Polo

mention -p in show usage

Omar Polo

print the "> " prefix only if -p is given

the prefix is nice to see, but can break the amused show | filters ... | amused load because sort(1), uniq(1) etc don't know how to strip the "> " and " " prefixes obviously.

Omar Polo

rewrite `load' to use the new transaction messages

this allows to do stuff like amused show | some shell filtering | amused load without the dangers of races between show and load.

Omar Polo

implement `load' command

Omar Polo

fancier `show' output