Commit Briefs


gemtext: Enrich gemtext classes definitions.

This adds: - :type options. - :documentation options. - :accessor options. - Class predicates. Wherever applicable.

Omar Polo

Handle gracefully invalid link lines

`=>` without other fields is not a valid link line, so let's handle it by parsing it as a paragraph with the "=>" text in it.

Omar Polo

refactor the gemtext parser

The old one had various issue, for instance it failed to parse "#hello", and could mis-interpret lines starting with "=". The new one is more robust and handles optional spaces better.

Omar Polo

add the line-eq generic function

it's useful for the (future) tests being able to compare lines.

Omar Polo

provide a default value for :text

Omar Polo

drop debug comment

Omar Polo

~% instead of terpri

we need to terminate the line on the given stream, not on *standard-output*!


Merge pull request #1 from aartaka/blockquote

Add blockquote support.

Omar Polo

revert the relative-to hack

was added only to ease the job of the UI, but it isn’t the right place. The UI should do that type of checks, the parsers shouldn’t mangle URIs.

Omar Polo

now it can even display pages!

Omar Polo

initial commit