Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

add an implicit fastcgi parameter: GEMINI_SEARCH_STRING

backport of 97b306cbee6d105885a761e04274f661a0ec3757 it’s the QUERY_STRING decoded if it’s a search-string (i.e. not a key-value pair.) It’s useful for scripts to avoid percent-decoding the querystring in the most common case of a query, because in Gemini querystrings key-value paired are not common. Idea from a discussion with Allen Sobot.

Omar Polo

return after FCGI_END_REQUEST

backport 17493a486c9e6325c3aae74920ddb10958ae2771 this fixes a possible crash if `client_write' closes the connection, because client_close can end up freeing the fastcgi bufferevent while we're looping. We don't support fastcgi multiplexing, so once we get an END_REQUEST there's nothing more to do. Prodded into looking here after a bug report from Allen Sobot, thanks!

Omar Polo

always send custom list of fcgi parameters

The code in fcgi_req to send the custom params set in the config file was placed inside the conditional for `tls_peer_cert_provided`, so the custom parameters would not be sent if a client certificate is not provided.

Omar Polo

const-ify some tables

matches found with % grep -R '=[ ]*{' . | fgrep -v const

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

one FastCGI connection per client

FastCGI is designed to multiplex requests over a single connection, so ideally the server can open only one connection per worker to the FastCGI application and that's that. Doing this kind of multiplexing makes the code harder to follow and easier to break/leak etc on the gmid side however. OpenBSD' httpd seems to open one connection per client, so why can't we too? One connection per request is still way better (lighter) than using CGI, and we can avoid all the pitfalls of the multiplexing (keeping track of "live ids", properly shut down etc...)

Omar Polo

copy only `len' bytes, not the whole buffer

We ended up copying too much data from the fastcgi process.

Omar Polo

new I/O handling on top of bufferevents

This is a big change in how gmid handles I/O. Initially we used a hand-written loop over poll(2), that then was evolved into something powered by libevent basic API. This meant that there were a lot of small "asynchronous" function that did one step, eventually scheduling the re-execution, that called each others in a chain. The new implementation revolves completely around libevent' bufferevents. It's more clear, as everything is implemented around the client_read and client_write functions. There is still space for improvements, like adding timeouts for one, but it's solid enough to be committed as is and then further improved.

Omar Polo

log more details for FastCGI errors

add the reported request id if there's a mismatch and both the gai error and the errno value if getnameinfo fails.

Omar Polo

simplify error check

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

fastcgi completely asynchronous

This changes the fastcgi implementation from a blocking I/O to an async implementation on top of libevent' bufferevents. Should improve the responsiveness of gmid especially when using remote fastcgi applications.

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

gracefully shut down fastcgi backends

we need to delete the events associated with the backends, otherwise the server process won't ever quit. Here, we add a pending counter to every backend and shut down immediately if they aren't handling any client; otherwise we try to close them as soon as possible (i.e. when they close the connection to the last connected client.)

Omar Polo
