Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

simplify the proxying code

it doesn't make any sense to keep the proxying info per-location: proxying only one per-vhost. It can't work differently, it doesn't make sense anyway.

Omar Polo

update copyright years

Omar Polo

add ability to proxy requests

Add to gmid the ability to forwad a request to another gemini server and thus acting like a reverse proxy. The current syntax for the config file is server "" { ... proxy relay-to host:port } Further options (like the use of custom certificates) are planned. cf. github issue #7


Implement OCSP stapling support

Currently dogfooding this patch at To test, run the following command and look for the "OCSP response" header: openssl s_client -connect "" -status

Omar Polo

two -n to dump the parsed configuration

This adds a barebone dumping of the parsed configuration. It is not complete, but I'm interested in dumping the full path to `cert' and `key' in order to write some scripts that can inspect the configuration, extract the certificates and renew them when expired automatically. It's not easy to parse gmid configuration otherwise because the syntax is flexible and users can use macros. Instead, the idea is to run gmid and let it dump the configuration once it's been parsed in a static and predictable format. Now is possible to parse gmid configuration with, say, awk or perl.

Omar Polo

add compat for sys/tree.h

Omar Polo

Store clients inside a splay tree

From day one we've been using a static array of client struct to hold the clients data. This has variuos drawbacks, among which: * reuse of the storage ("shades of heartbleed") * maximum fixed amount of clients connected at the same time * bugs are harder to debug The last point in particular is important because if we mess the client ids, or try to execute some functions (e.g. the various fcgi_*) after a client has been disconnected, it's harder to "see" this "use after free"-tier kind of bug. Now I'm using a splay tree to hold the data about the live connections. Each client' data is managed by malloc. If we try to access a client data after the disconnection we'll probably crash with a SIGSEGV and find the bug is more easy. Performance-wise the connection phase should be faster since we don't have to loop anymore to find an empty spot in the clients array, but some operations could be slightly slower (compare the O(1) access in an array with a SPLAY_FIND operation -- still be faster than O(n) thought.)

Omar Polo

one FastCGI connection per client

FastCGI is designed to multiplex requests over a single connection, so ideally the server can open only one connection per worker to the FastCGI application and that's that. Doing this kind of multiplexing makes the code harder to follow and easier to break/leak etc on the gmid side however. OpenBSD' httpd seems to open one connection per client, so why can't we too? One connection per request is still way better (lighter) than using CGI, and we can avoid all the pitfalls of the multiplexing (keeping track of "live ids", properly shut down etc...)

Omar Polo

improve libevent2 handling

* add configure check * change the way the headers are required (copied from tmux)

Omar Polo

drop now unused trim_req_iri

Omar Polo

new I/O handling on top of bufferevents

This is a big change in how gmid handles I/O. Initially we used a hand-written loop over poll(2), that then was evolved into something powered by libevent basic API. This meant that there were a lot of small "asynchronous" function that did one step, eventually scheduling the re-execution, that called each others in a chain. The new implementation revolves completely around libevent' bufferevents. It's more clear, as everything is implemented around the client_read and client_write functions. There is still space for improvements, like adding timeouts for one, but it's solid enough to be committed as is and then further improved.

Omar Polo

fastcgi completely asynchronous

This changes the fastcgi implementation from a blocking I/O to an async implementation on top of libevent' bufferevents. Should improve the responsiveness of gmid especially when using remote fastcgi applications.