Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

9ps: chdir to script basename before including it

In the *-suite.9ps files we have stuff like `include "lib.9ps"`, but when ninepscript is called from the *root* directory that include will fail. This is a workaround to allow including file relatively and allows to run the regress suite.

Omar Polo

Merge branch 'portable'

Trying to maintain two branches was impossible at this stage for me alone, so I'll recognize my stupidity and merge the portable branch into the main one. The repository will build using autotools.

Omar Polo

ninepscript: drop per-test `dir'

specify the dir only once via ninepscript' -r (mandatory) argument.

Omar Polo

fix build on linux

Omar Polo

restructure project and switch build system

use by default the OpenBSD mk infrastructure to build and test all the kamid components.