Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

rename `mime MIME EXT' to `map MIME to-ext EXT'

With the newish automatic string concatenation, options like `mime' that accepts two strings as parameter start to become ambiguous: which strings gets concatenated? Instead of trying to document in the manpage which argument(s) is subject to string concatenation, do the concat always and introduce a separator. In the case of mime, `to-ext' now acts as a separator to distinguish. While there, also use a new keyword because it sounds better. It's dead-easy to upgrade to the new configuration, possibly with some sed magic, but for the moment the old `mime' form is preserved: (with a warning!) Will be dropped in the next release.

Omar Polo

try to preserve as much as possible CFLAGS and LDFLAGS from env

but still try to autodetect with pkg-config if they aren't provided. Passing CFLAGS/LDFLAGS from the command line will still override the guessed ones.

Omar Polo

reworked seccomp filter

* SECCOMP_AUDIT_ARCH extended to support more architectures * relax fcntl policy: allow the syscall regardless of the flags * wrap every syscall in a ifdef, and add some (statx, fcntl64, ...) used in x86 Some bits were taken from dhcpcd[0], thanks! #4 related [0]:

Omar Polo

allow to define macros in the config file

Macros can be defined at the top of the configuration file: dir = "/var/gemini" cert = "/etc/keys" and re-used later, for example server "foo" { root "$dir/foo" # -> /var/gemini/foo cert "$cert/foo.pem" # -> /etc/keys/foo.pem }

Omar Polo

document `log' option

Omar Polo

drop the dependency on lex by implementing yylex by ourselves

The actual implementation is based off doas' parse.y. This gave us various benefits, like cleaner code, \ to break long lines, better handling of quotes etc...

Omar Polo

add `param' keyword

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

certificate generation (bugfix and improvement)

don't add gmid as organisation when generating the certificate, and set the version to 3, so it's compatible with java/android clients. Found by Gnuserland, thanks!