Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

added fs process

it's the only one that has file system access. For now it serves about:new (from memory) and about:bookmarks (from ~/.telescope/bookmarks.gmi if found)

Omar Polo

sandbox ui process too

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

1X input, load/edit current URL

* rework response code handling * support 10/11 input requests * load a url from minibuffer * edit current url and load it from minibuffer

Omar Polo

add stop_tab api

Omar Polo

serialize the url of about: pages

Omar Polo

refactor load_url

dispatch tables are cool -- semicit

Omar Polo

load url (for real)

very hacky still, but working nevertheless

Omar Polo

UI improvements

* loading animation * add url to struct tab

Omar Polo

move new_tab to ui code

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

use raw mode

in raw mode, C-s, C-q, C-c etc are passed as-is, while in cooked mode (the one cbreak gives us) they retain their usual meaning.