Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

report the correct write length

Omar Polo

cmd_ls: fix read size

don't use a constant: msize may be lower than that. Instead, use `msize - 4' which is guaranteed to be the maximum transferreable size. (it's not possible for msize to be lower than 4 since we reject ridiculously small msizes, so that difference can't underflow.)

Omar Polo

reject ridiculously small msizes

Omar Polo

fflush stdout in hexdump

Omar Polo

allow jumbo reads

Omar Polo

allow Tread to fill a message

a message of `msize' len is valid, we just need to make sure to _not_ overflow it.

Omar Polo

allow jumbo Twrites for real

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

sync changelog

Omar Polo

fail on "jumbo" requests (except for Twrite)

except for Twrite, all other requests are passed via a single imsg. We don't handle "jumbo" request for anything outside Twrite, nor it does make sense actually, so let's drop it. (well, for Twstat an argument can be made, maybe)

Omar Polo

allow Twrite with size bigger than ~16K

Until now I've been using a single imsg to handle each messages and the imsg framework has a limit of around 16K for message. For almost all requests, this is fine. Except for Twrite and Tread. This is an attempt to make Twrite handle bigger buffers. The listener process just looks at how big a request is and split it up in multiple messages and the client process tries to remember the fid, position and missing data to continue the write. This means that a single Twrite can be split up in multiple write(2)s.

Omar Polo

sync changelog